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Status Updates posted by Spinner

  1. Computer died on Saturday =( Tons of drawings, patterns and emails possibly gone...gotta love technology!

  2. All is not completely lost, I have a back-up from about a week before the crash, however my temp replacement machine is a PC and my dead one is a iMac so gotta borrow the wife's computer to sift through the info, convert formats and then transfer files. Gonna be a PITA but might get all my stuff back if the file conversions work.

  3. RAWR! New computer is set-up and it rocks!

  4. family gifts can end up being the most frustrating 'clients'/gifts...

  5. Just used Fiebings white and grey dyes on a bib...check the dyes forum for a short review & tips I did

  6. Free Burnisher set giveaway for Guilds starting up on my new website...tell your guild president to sign up! http://www.LeatherBurnishers.com

  7. wet formed 1 tank bib tonight and completely tooled another...my freaking wrist feels like it's broken now. Fortunately both project are looking sweet.

  8. Just ordered up an SK-3...looking forward to using it!

  9. I was a bit skeptical, I mean how much different could a swivel knife be from the rest...? Well, short answer: OMG! The SK-3 ROCKS! Love my custom grind too. ;)

  10. to the biker leather folks out there...side cover tutorial is underway, should have it done next week sometime.

  11. A good one for the car/gearhead folks out there...http://kalecoauto.com/

  12. New shop space is huge and coming together...now to finish unpacking, assembling and sorting all while working on client projects...woohoo!

  13. 5 bibs down, 2 to go! Then I can start on Christmas presents for my family...nothing like cutting it close!

  14. Now that I have the nuances figured out...Flickr > Photobucket

  15. just got an order to tool & paint "St. Michael vanquishes Satan" by Guido Reni on a tank bib...this should be a good challenge!

  16. First true Sheridan tooling on a 3MC tank bib coming up. A big THANKS to King's X for the patternwork!

  17. Happy Birthday!

  18. Rare earth magnets (good ones) can be very strong. Generally speaking, they are like any other closure, too small and you won't have enough surface area on areas needing a strong bond.

    http://rare-earth-magnets.com/ makes some nice ones I've used before and they have various sizes, shapes and thicknesses. For what you're doing I'd say go with something 1/2" o...

  19. You status totally brought back memories, not sure if you meant it but they way it was worded sparked the memory! Thx!


  20. ...or larger depending on if the design of the bracers will allow it

  21. best source for lift the dot snap sets?

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