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    CPF Menber

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  1. may want them.

    Keep in touch and share any new sewing machines you get. As for me, I think I'll stick with the treadles.

    Njoy Life...


  2. My first antique sewing machine gave me the bug and I now have about 14 of them in under 3 months.

    I like to work with wood and decided to make some of my own tops for some. It's fun and relaxing. I have not done much of re-laminating but I guess I can do it 'cause I do have to tools.

    I plan on making a few replacement wood drawers and slides for the machines I ha...

  3. Hi Kate,

    Sorry for the late reply. I just got started in antique sewing machines. I've always sewed by hand using the saddle stitch. I got caught up in the old antiques being able to sew leather. I found out the hard way... NOPE! Just the thin stuff.

    I too make my own custom leather holsters. My specialty is Flashlights, the high end ones $200.00 - $1000...

  4. sigh. 400 characters is NOT enough! please email me


  5. I am another "old sewing machine nut" - I LOVE the oldies, though I tend more toward the Nationals and badged versions....

    Your woodworking is beautiful. Wish you were closer, I need to have the lid of one of my old treadle cabinets re-veneered. The solid oak lid is sound and re-glued, but it's NOT pretty. I have a lot of gorgeous burl madrona veneer, very thick heavy ven...

  6. A co-worker ran across this at a yard sale. He did not get the model number or serial number and does not know when he will be back. He thinks they were asking $150.00 US for it. Can anyone here ID this for me so that I can read up on it a bit more. Pictures were taken from his cell phone to mine. THANKS! Njoy Life...
  7. Looks like who ever had this machine before me did that wire spring trick many times. Here is what my wire spring looks like. The picture shows a good portion of the spring was already under the groove and handled a lot or turning... I'll take your word Wizcrafts. Those large bobbins looked tempting though. I'll get or make a new wire spring and post if that fix helped on the rotating tension. If it doesn't and the free rotating become a problem for me... the lock screw will be the answer. Going back to the needle plate. I see no size difference in the holes. Maybe from many mis aligned needles the smaller needle hole eventually became larger. Will this be a concern or will the material sewn and the needle be the factor in creating the right thread in material tension to make that proper loop before the hook grabs it? Njoy Life...
  8. Some of my so-called privileges were removed from NB and I never knew why until a recent reply from the Admin. His reply was made and the topic was then locked and remains for all members to read. I then wrote a formal apology letter to Admin, which is as follows... "Alan, Thank you for the response. I understand that this is your website and you will do as you please but for what it is worth… I would like to formally apologize for any and all wrong doings here on NB. My avatar was removed with no explanation until now. How was I to know that my user name and what it meant written around it in picture form was going to be a problem? I never had any so called hand slap so I never knew I was in the wrong. I have read many posts that you have removed links to and you added a few words (not exact) of "Don't Do That! Not Allowed!" - I never had that. Yes I knew about no posting of commercial sites on the forums but 'not' in the profile section that has a 'website' field to fill in. I noticed it kept disappearing and I have re-typed it several times thinking it was a glitch. It would have been nice to be told what was going on and not to fill it in again. Also, would you like me to change my user name? As for my so-called 'overlarge posts'… isn't it better to write it out in detail at first so that most info is out front and spelled out clearly? If you are referring to the one when I talked about the types of electricity available here in the states, that thread started as me just saying I had a 220v motor that broke apart and I was going to change it to a 120v one. If I write too much detail, tell me, I'll tone it down. If I write nonsense, tell me that too. Tell me when I am doing wrong or what you would like changed in my writing, I have no problem with that via open forum or PM. But I do need to be informed of it in order to better myself here. I know I don't know it all when it comes to these antique sewing machines but I have grown/learned a lot and fast. A total of 13 or 14 antique machines in fewer than 3 months time. Most were not usable at first. I am not just a taker of info on forums that I join. I'll do my best to contribute. I have done this here by finding problems with the machines I have and posted my findings and how I solved them. Pictures were sent in but never posted. I know it costs to run a website. I'll donate money if it is accepted. I've also have sold items on other forums to where 100% of sales went to the forum to help out. I wanted to offer FREE items here to members and I did ask first. I'll build simple custom tabletops, drawers or slides and you can have 100% of the sales if it will help. All I ask is exact shipping cost and cost for any special wood request. Again, I am not just a taker of info. Most here collect and use an antique sewing machine. We talk about collecting and restoring them. Many have wrote about what needle is needed as well as correcting the stitch length and timing. We write about what the optional feet are used for as well as other attachments… so why is it not about sewing also but using a pre 1960 machine to do it? That is what these machines were designed to do… sew. But no more from me about sewing since you have said something about it. This site has a lot to offer and I know I can do my part to contribute as well. Though without the use of the 'Search' or PM's it does not make it enjoyable to use this site. I am not going to request my membership be removed but I do ask if I can get a fresh start. Again, I apologize! Thanks for reading. Rick" This 'EXACT" apology was posted in the open forum for all to read and has been deleted with no reply. Njoy Life...
  9. The large shuttle hook is part # 81952 (or 81993), the small is # 8603 (part # in parts book I have) and mine is stamped # 8654. The cross ref for the 8654 seems to be the 8603 or vise versa. The large shuttle has the tension screw on top and is to be used with large bobbin part # 82552. I use the small bobbin # 8604 in my current shuttle. All part #'s listed above are for use with the Singer 29/29K sewing machine. Were there some changes made to a particular 29 model and has another sub # to it that uses the larger items? A couple of sites claim these large items can be used on the 29-4... or am I reading mis-information on my searches? Thanks for the mod fix on the ring Wizcrafts! I don't know if I want to mod my machine just yet. Great mod for a locking mechanism though. I did notice that the upper head revolving bush friction spring was worn so I may start with replacing that to see if a little friction is restored. Njoy Life...
  10. Looks great to me too! You made it picture perfect with that type of wood background. I need to start stamping and carving leather soon. Njoy Life... Rick
  11. Hi folks, I'm still kinda new to the Singer 29-4 and have been using it now for about a week or two. Looking at parts on-line, I see there are two sizes of bobbins available... a small and large as well as the appropriate shuttle hook that the bobbin fits in. questions... How do I know what I have? I see no bobbin size option in the user manual. Are the two sizes a direct drop in replacement just being sure you have the right size shuttle hook? i.e. no need to change the shuttle carrier. I guess a few more yards of thread can make a difference in a production line. My needle plate has both large and small rounded ends. About 1/2" wide and 1" wide respectively and I can rotate to either. WHY? What is the propose of two sizes? My stitch length regulator did not seem to give me the max distance. I notice the bell crank lever had too much play within the ring slot. I removed, welded, grind and polished the little rounded end to virtually no play when fitted into the ring slot. The stitch length is better now and it sews just great. The so-called problem is now that the turning of the ring slide bar (butterfly). It turns too freely. When I had everything apart, I did a thorough degrease, cleaning and lube job. All friction spring wires are in place and nothing is missing, all parts accounted for and back in place and tightened. You can flick one wing with a finger and it will turn half way around. Should this be a concern? I'm sure more questions will pop up later. Njoy Life...
  12. Great job for being your first with thick leather. Sewing will get better in time. We have to take those baby steps at one time. The thing about making things yourself for family/friends or yourself is that you make it to how they/you want it. Keep up the good work and keep em coming. We like folks to share their works. Njoy Life...
  13. That belt should work fine if you want to spend and buy that much as well as buy the needed splicing kit. I don't know if the staple clamp will work on that material. Since you really don't need much, look at eBay for the belt. Search for " 5/16 leather belt ". 1/4" or 5/16" diameter will work though mine is and I prefer 5/16". You'll find a single belt or many footage for future use. As with most new belts, use it a bit and readjust as needed since they will stretch a bit. Njoy Life...
  14. I too just purchased the Singer 31-15 fairly recently. I am just getting started myself on using it. I maybe able answer a few of your questions though. 1) yes the machine will handle a #18 or #20 needle for 69 thread 2) no idea what point needed for that material. My machine will be used for leather 3) There is a small pin that is in the center of the tensioner assembly that is pressed by a lever on the inside of the head assembly. That pin may be missing or stuck. 4) there should always be some tension on the lower thread. To the point where it will not just drop if you only held the thread. Actual adjustment should be made with the thread size that is to be used. 5) mine too has felt on some of the top holes. They are only at certain holes though. Some oil points needs the oil to drip on an internal part. I myself have not tested the thread twist on any of my threads that I have used to play with. I have not yet purchased actual nylon or polyester thread yet and have only been using cotton thread to practice with. I have ordered 138 and 69 thread so that i can start making things. Practice time is over. No idea on thread on cone usage yet. I hope this helped a little. Someone with more knowledge may chime in. Njoy Life...
  15. Thanks for the props fellas! Woodworking is fun and YES these old iron ones do get fun and addicting to work on. My brother and friends were just talking about this... really? how many things out there are over 100 years old and still works as if just manufactured? I have not had any problems sewing a layer of leather or 3 on the two larger machines. I don't go too thick and I really don't feel the resistance of the needle piercing through the leather. I almost always use contact cement on all my projects right at the sewing line wherever I can. This prevents the slipping and misalignment of layers and adds that other step that some don't. One day I'll get that sewing machine that was specifically designed to be used with leather though. Just need to butter up the Mrs to let me buy AND bring in another 'toy'. OH! I almost forgot to share this (more wood working skills) --- How do I go between treadle to treadle. Is there a chair at each station? NOPE! I converted a basic rolling office chair to my ultra modern sewing chair. Now I can easily adjust the height as needed based on the machine being used to what is comfortable to me and still keep my sewing supplies close at hand as well as roll on over to the next machine. No need to stand up and walk over to the other machines anymore. Lazy I tell you! Pure LAZY! see... and now stained... Just another coat or seven of hand rubbed oil and she's good to go! It's amazing how a little thought can become a reality when you have the desire to create. (A little knowledge and the right tools helps a lot too though). Hobbies are fun... aren't they? Njoy Life...
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