i am wanting to make a face mask to wear on my bike. i wear glasses all the time and find it very difficult to find gogles that fit over my glasses that do not look stupid. the alternative is to wear a full face helmet, which i do, but i wish to wear my open face helmets without wear of loosing sight due to wind in my eyes or loosing my glasses as the wind pulls them from my face.
the mask that i have in mind will cover the face from forhead to neck, have goggles or a vision panel attached and both a mouth and nose hole.
how to make this all work is where i need your help. i need to attach it to my head some how, it must be useable and i will have to be able to atach eather glass or plastic to the leather for the vision panel.
i am hoping that some one has done this before and is will ing to help me through the process. and i am also hoping that somebody rides with a face mask like the one i have discribed and can tell me how it performs.
thank you in advance