Hi all,
Begging to use your know how again.
I want to make a visitors book for our boat. The idea is to use normal A4 size paper with a screw bolt (not sure if that is what it would be called) but so that you can add papers when necessay.
I thought if I used two pieces of hard board or something. Padded them and covered them in engraved Leather with name etc. (very ambitios for this beginner) Then the screws would go through that and right through the papers to hold it together.
These are my questions:
Is there a way I can still give it a spine of sorts to make it look more finished but still have access to use screws and allow for extra paper?
How to I punch the paper for the screws without sitting with a paper punch for hours? Can it be drilled through?
Can someone explain to me the weight of leather and how to choose which one is best to stampoing etc. I know most of it is worked in ounches and stuff but I am metric is ther a metric explanantion. So if leather is 0.3oz what does that mean?
Thanks, hope someone can help.