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    saddle maker
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  1. I listed this stand because I have several and I am moving to a smaller shop. This stand is very useful and I think a lot of saddlemakers are in the market for good tools .
  2. Thank You for the input. The strap can run through a D ring located on the bottom and back to the D ring on top.This turns it into a backpack.I had to put it together in a short time. so there was not a lot of my design,only the wardrobe and producers ideas.
  3. I think I got it fixed .
  4. oops that is bag with one g
  5. This bag was kind of a quick one it was needed by the wardrobe dept for a move scene. please give feedback this was a fun project and helped clear my mind from saddlemaking for a couple hours.
  6. I agree with you 100%. . I thimk to lace the skirts should be a law but if you take the time to pull the gullet channel up tight from the gullet all the way back it will help keep off the spine . I also think the lace gives the skirts that tiny bit of give.and it looks sooo much better. Thank you for your keen eye .
  7. this was already picked up before i could get any other pics please feel free and i beg you to pick it apart as good as you can .Most customers dont pick them apart and I feel that is the only way to improve. so git to pickin. Thanks Joel .
  8. looks good. i use a 3/8 inch plastic that is skived flush and has a small bend so when i rub out the seat i don't get stirrup dips .I also learned to build a ground seat to keep that to a minimum . Looks like the ears and the rear housing and the tough spots to cut are clean. keep it up good job.
  9. I like the front edge of the fender and hoe the lines go great with the leading edge of the seat jockey and skirt. With lines like this you cant go wrong. OH and great job on the tooling
  10. Once again I am to late to say great job clean and neat so I will just agree with all the other great comments . keep up the great work.
  11. What is left to say.dittos on all the above.And thank you.
  12. May I ask why you went with this type of saddle?
  13. Welcome, You will get a great insight on saddle making by learning the anatomy of horses and also humans . I believe the saddle is to horse and rider as to what cartilage is to joints .This site will help with everything from saddle tree construction and rigging style and position, to myths and folklore. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask ANY questions.
  14. When I first started with repair work friends would stop in for a repair and act surprised when I gave them a price quote. I now have a little sign that reads "I started this business to make a living and fill a need not give friends and family a deal" It is for comedy but I found out when you have the right tools and a lot on neat things you sure make a lot of friends.lol ,best wishes Joel.
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