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Everything posted by AZ09

  1. Hello Friends, I'm planing to make leather strap bracelets for my girls. Whats the best way to clasp the ends together around the wrist other than snaps?, or is snaps the best way to go. Also, any tips and tricks for sizing and centering etc..? Peace Tal~
  2. Hello friends, I was recently asked and not really sure the best answer. "Hey Tal, What is the best way to eliminate/reduce leather creeking?" It's farly new leather SASS style single gun rig that groans and growls with movement. Thanks for looking and your thoughts.. Peace Tal~
  3. Take your time... Don't live to fasr.. Troubles will come and they will pass

  4. Crayon works well if the letters are deep enough. Heat area with bic lighter rub on crayon )or a china marker) remove excess with edge of thin cardboard . Tal~
  5. Hello Ot.. For large Whitetail, I've use a golfball, rope/chain, and truck to remove the hide. It takes a minute to do it. Basically hoist onto and hang carcass head up onto a stout limb. Cut back (release) a section of the neck hide insert golf ball secure rope around golfball and tie to truck bumper. Make relief cuts on leg knuckles. Slowly drive away while peeling hide from carcass. Moose would probably be a bit much to do it this way, since most hunters in the field don't have a cherry picker sized hoist with them. LOL Peace Tal~
  6. Use quotation marks with your search you will get a more specifc search than a broader search return without them. such as "Spirit Dye" Tal~
  7. It's a pretty effective tool makes the skining of a dozen or so squirrels pretty fast. A couple of my hunting friends have em.
  8. Rayban. Nice work.. What did you fill the handle with? bird shot also. Is the bottom flat or rounded as the top. Peace. Tal~ "AZ09"
  9. Hello C This is a good visual reference should give you some good ideas. Search more there and get more inspiration peace ST~
  10. FWIW, "Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty" is decent casting material. Its a powder you mix with water, easy to use. and once it sets its durable. Peace ST~
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