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Everything posted by highnoonhunter

  1. Here's a new accessory I made for this quiver. I converted my little "possibles" pouch for carrying stuff like a few extra points, extra bowstring, small stuff like that, into a mini maglight pouch, for carrying AA size battery mini-maglights. It works fine, and I can basically use one pattern to make two accessories. It can mount on the quiver spine: Or you can use the belt loop: A streamlight, minimag knockoff will work in it too: I forgot to photo demo it, but it also works pretty good snapped onto the quiver strap.
  2. Thanks for the comment Morrok857! Yea, I guess you could say that Tom. I kinda took things I liked (or deducted things I disliked), from several different quivers I've used over the years, and a few of my own thoughts and these are what I came up with. I also had some friends that helped. The one you commented about is due to a modification a customer wanted. But the basic design is from myself and a couple friends, and trial and error. hnh
  3. Thanks for the comments! Sorry if I posted the in the wrong place! I thought I was posting in the archery forum......... I musta got in a hurry! Here's another I finished today. It has a Maccassar Ebony Spine: hnh
  4. Hey! There's an archery leatherwork forum here! COOL! New guy here....... my names Bobby. Known as highnoonhunter here and on the archery forums. Saw a name or two I recognize on here. Anyway, my quivers are a little different. A leather top, and bottom, connected with a wood core, bow-tuff glass backed and belly spine. (just like a longbow or recurve has) Here's some pics of my latest: hnh
  5. Thanks Tim & Bree....................... I have saw those before. But just didn't know for sure what to use. Wish I'd found this site long ago! Sure woulda saved a lot of trial and error.................. and some beat up tools! hnh
  6. Thanks for the replies! I'll see if I can google those mauls ya'll have mentioned to see what I need. hnh
  7. Hi everyone, I've been doing leatherwork for several years, but I don't really know what type of tool to use for striking my punches, chisels, and/or rivet setters with? I've tried a plain ol' wood mallet, nylon mallet, dead blow hammer, brass hammer, etc., but I really don't feel none of those are suitable. They are either worn out in a couple weeks, or they damage my tools. Can ya'll lead me in the right direction please? Thanks in advance! hnh
  8. http://www.ubuilderplans.com/node/10 Just wondering if anyone here has tried building one of these using these plans? And if the plans were worth the money? I'd like to have a stitching horse, but I have a bad back, and feel sitting on the hard bench type seat without support, will cause some pain. I don't care much for the small stitching pony. I saw this on the web, and it looks to be a good compromise, as I can sit in my favorite chair and use this. But I've bought plans off the web before that had a lack of detail, and weren't worth the money. I think I could build one without the plans, but if they were quality plans it would sure save some time. hnh
  9. Hi, my name's Bobby. Been leatherworking since the early '90s, but only started beginning to do better work the past couple years. Mostly do archery leatherwork, quivers and bracers. An occasional knife sheath, guitar strap, etc. Really enjoy leatherworking and hope tolearn even more from this forum and it's members. Here's a few pics of what I make: hnh
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