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About sierraleather

  • Birthday 07/14/1945

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hathaway Pines Ca.
  • Interests
    I operate a small used bookstore in Arnold,Ca. located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. Main interests are my family, western history,from Lewis and Clark to Charlie Russell,natural history of this area,which include just about any and everything out there.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    molded,and carved bowls and trays,furniture
  • Interested in learning about
    better tooling and carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Please can anyone tell me where to buy quality calf lace other than the crap Tandy sells from India.My supplier for 18 years Marcellis Oriva is out of business,and I'm down to seeds and stems. Thanks
  2. For years I've used calf lace from Marcellus-Oriva in Hawthorne Ca.I now find they are out of business. Where can I find quality calf lace.Sorry to Tandy,but their lace is not in the same league as M-O. and everywhere I've looked the quality is just not there.Please help if you can,much abliged.
  3. Found an old 1927 Grafton and Knight leathercraft catalog,and one of their leather types is called ooze leather,its described as"a heavy velvet leather for tooling,"offered in 4 colors, for .64 per square ft. for a whole side.Any one ever hear of this.
  4. Hello,The vast majority of my tooling is traditional,Visalia,Porter,I have a few Sheridan style tools,but I'd like to know where to buy , especially regular bevelers,other than Tandy products,have some nice old McMillians but I don't think they make stamping tools anymore. Thanks for your help.
  5. Hi Bruce,thanks for the invite,my wife and I are down in your area often,in-laws in Modesto,sorry we could'nt catch up with one another,about my King push beader,maybe next time ,best to you John
  6. I've used a mallet,rawhide maul and plastic maul,whats your personal choice,thanks for the input.
  7. Thanks to all of you for your information ,and I must apologize ,the knife I was referring to is the swivel knife,thanks again for your support.
  8. Aside from your blade being chipped or it drags so badly it won't cut butter,what is your definition of "sharp", and how do you test or determine what is sharp,thanks
  9. Jon what I have is a push beader,should have been clearer,not a beader blade that goes in a swivels knife.
  10. Hello, have just bought a 1/8"wide King beader,Whether using a straight edge,or freehand,the inside or left leg doesn't leave a true impression,more of a scratch,is there a way to even or adjust the leg for an even impression. Thanks for the help
  11. 7/8 ounce, is the easiest weight for me to mold properly. Thanks John
  12. This my latest molded tray,its fairly good sized,20"x6"I usually mess up the pics,so I thank my daughter for the tech help.
  13. sierraleather

    latest work

    this is a collection of some of my bowls and trays I've done recently,Thanks for having a peek.
  14. sierraleather


    molded bowls,trays,furniture covering
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