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Everything posted by Craftt

  1. the handle on the cobra 4 bell skiver will not go back up after sharpening. thanks for any help
  2. Thanks but I hope I never have to make another one
  3. Finished the sheath with a wedge made from layers of leather.
  4. Can’t change knife doesn’t belong to me.
  5. Need help with knife sheath that has .5” between blade and guard? Do I just build up the outside edges tapering down to the point?
  6. Need to know what to do when there is a .5” difference between blade and Guard
  7. Great thanks to both. I did watch a lot of videos last night and I got the idea it was best to put a curve in it.thanks again and God Bless right back
  8. i am looking for help with using the edge beveler on inside corners such as on a knife sheath that is folded over with the belt above the sheath. Places where there is a 90* degree inside corner where the beveler does not go all the way into the corner. thanks craftt
  9. Hi all I just purchased a cobra 26 and probably caused the problem myself but don't know what I did so I don't know how to fix it. I am getting loops on the bottom side of leather when I use reverse. Any help will be appreciated. Also is there a (factory set) on tension to begin with (like tighten all the way and back off one or two times) for both the primary and the bobbin?
  10. Welcome being a sw mo person also. Sunrise beach. Try Springfield leather for some of your stuff and ask about the wholesale membership. I really enjoy the store.
  11. Craftt


    Patty i checked out your facepage and you are doing a very good job. Looks like you have the colors down ok. cindy
  12. who of us have ever transposed letters in a name to ruin a project? I did recently but this was my solution for salvaging the project. the name Leah was to be under the bible, but i started it looking at the letters three times and still put the a before the e. there goes it!!!!!!
  13. thanks for all the respones. i just did a guitar strap and did put it where the adjustment strap covered it. i do like the way it was incorporated into the pattern on the back. thanks all
  14. hi can anyone help me on the proper etiquette for using a maker stamp. i received one for xmas and would like to know when and where to place it. craftt
  15. what is the proper procedure for marking leather with a maker stamp? i was given one for christmas. Craft-T
  16. Recently finished a bible cover just for the heck of it. Imagine that!!!!!!!!
  17. hiJosh

    do you ever go to Mount Vernon Apple Butter Days? I have for the last 11-12 yrs. It would be nice to talk with you. you do wonderful work. I don't get on leatherworker.net to much anymore but check out my work under craftt. It is a hobby for me so it takes spurts usually around Sept-Dec.

  18. beautiful work. i found with my boss i had to tape the stitch know to the machine or it would vibrate to different lengths. like you i have trouble with the threads meeting in the middle.
  19. question anybody going to wickenburg how do you take your tools by check in or sending them out or what?

  20. Hello i have been doing leather for 33 years. Mostly small projects for craft sales. I enjoy the challenge of custom orders.I finally have a shop that i do not have to share with the garage or utility room. Been there done that. i really enjoy the knowledge i receive from the posts of all you.. thank you.

  21. at least 12-14" here at the Lake of Ozarks. what a winter not to go to the texas valley. oh well!

  22. finally finished something for myself. my brag book as someone on here said once.
  23. Finally finished the rifle slings i have been working on. Craft-t cindy
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