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Everything posted by MuseEvolution

  1. I hope that test goes over well in Oklahoma City. I'd like to see that in our store in Fargo.
  2. Agreed. Just testing it out I put about 13 coats and the leather still wasn't white. Wasn't aware of the stirring thing though, I'd only shaken it. Tried to make a grey by mixing it with USMC Black and all I got was a Preval bottle full of black dye and a gob of coagulated white gunk stuck to the bottom.
  3. Made this dice cup for a friend of mine for Christmas. He likes the miniatures game "The Uncharted Seas," so I chose that as a main design. Now, this is both the first dice cup and the first cylindrical project I've ever done, so the main side seam is pretty primitive. But overall it got the age-and-weather-beaten look I was aiming for. I put this together from the instructions in The Art of Hand Sewing Leather and The Art of Making Cases, Volume 1. Goatskin lining too. Hope these images aren't too inconveniently large.
  4. I'd like to thank you personally for visiting our store in Fargo and teaching this class, Clay. Hopefully the next time around I'll get to take the class while Mark helps our customers. We opened our store on June 18th. I actually hired on July 6th and have loved every minute of it since. I'd done a bit of leatherwork in Boy Scouts, but starting at Tandy was something of a crash course for me. - Steve Kok
  5. Vehicle bumper shoulder armor! Almost anything similar to what you see in the Mad Max movies?
  6. Wow, that's really spectacular. I love that the entire set is designed, but not flamboyantly so. Very Norse. Great work.
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