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About VonFuct

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  • Birthday 03/08/1972

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  • Location
    Costa Mesa, CA

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wallets, belts, motorcycle seats...
  • Interested in learning about
    All things leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
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  1. very cool, can't wait to see it finished! I wanna do a cue case for my roommate sometime soon, where'd you get the pattern?
  2. Thanks much! And Andy, thanks for noticing the snap keeper. I do designs on all them for of my wallets, I like the added detail!
  3. Here's my card I just had printed up... I think it came out well even though I designed it really quickly.
  4. Here's a wallet I finished up last month for a friend. Pretty stoked on the way it turned out. And here's another one I recently finished... although I gave it to the guy before I took any pics of it sewn and done. Grrr...
  5. Hahahahahaha! I was wondering the same thing! I tried to get him to choose something else, but that's what he wanted! Oh well!
  6. Here's a wallet I just finished up for a friend of mine. Sorry for the crappy pictures but I was in a rush to give it to him so I just snapped these real quick. Whatcha think?
  7. so... how much and where do we get 'em?
  8. very cool! does he have a web site up? how do we get 'em?
  9. Great advise Ken, thanks a lot! I'm gonna try that hole spacing trick on my seat!
  10. Wildrose, THANK YOU! I appreciate your reply very much. And yes, I will talk with my roommate about both crate training and muzzle use. Not trying to turn this in to an online shoving match at all, I'm just frustrated with a bad situation and trying to find a workable solution.
  11. How is putting the WHOLE dog in a cage better than just putting a cage on his mouth? I'm not opposed to kennel training at all, in fact I suggested it to my roommate more than once, I just don't see why so many people are anti-muzzle if used in a safe and humane way. The more I read from QUALIFIED dog trainers, the more I think a muzzle can be a very helpful training aid. If you all think muzzles are so evil and bad, why do most vet's and dog groomers use them as well as a large number of dog trainers?
  12. No, I didn't invite any comment or ask for anyones opinion (I have opinions too, but I keep them to myself unless asked) on the use of muzzles. Not that you people care but I'm about a day away from having my roommate get rid of the dog all together since he's not capible of dealing with him but I was TRYING to find another option since I know the dog is just not trained well enough yet. Thanks for making a new guy on your forum feel so welcome. To be honest, I joined this forum to learn more about leatherwork, not to hear random peoples opinion on dog training. If i wanted that, I would have joined a dog training forum.
  13. thanks but no thanks. Maybe no one actually read the initial post or my replies, I didn't ask if I should kennel train him or what your thoughts on how to train a dog were. I simply asked if anyone had made a muzzle or had a pattern for one. It's not even my dog so I can't make the choice to kennel train him or not. And yes, I know about kennel training and suggested it to my roommate multiple times. And you people all make it out like muzzles are animal abuse and like I'm planning on leaving it on the dog for days at a time. No, it would simply be a training aid. whatever.
  14. VonFuct

    My other passion

    great looking vectors!
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