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Everything posted by Petsha

  1. too bad the pictures are gone
  2. i'll answer your questuion with another question it might have already been said did't had the time to read all the posts next to tool X to do job X is the factor skill involved? ofc it is and you also even if you only copy patterns if you give your own twist to it use skill that not every one could use (unless of training ect) it is artistic.
  3. it was mentioned before but i'll call it by another name then Holland (The Netherlands was already mentioned)
  4. looks nice would like to see it with the knife. Greets Petsha
  5. the bag will be done soon I have been behind the old sewing machine all day now so pictures will be online soon if you pll like the idea/design of the bag (even though it is simple) I will try to scan the pattern I made knife sheath out of a boot nice
  6. here is the situation I'm making a simple bag out of an old jacked (as soon as I got something to show pictures will be coming over) I'm using the old jacked cause it has the look i'm going for (since I have no experience with dyeing yet) I have also made some medieval pouches and some small things from old jackets pants and leather of old couches I have been collecting for a while. I'm a scout leader as an 18yr old student and this is my way of recycling and sparing some cash I would like to hear the opinions experiences from me being plain cheap and being environmental friendly Greetz Petsha
  7. oh and I designed the sheath that a mora craftsmen would also fit
  8. I introduced myself as a new member yesterday today I already had a picture request from TomSwede (for that thnx) here is the first picture since I cant upload them all at once. the thickness of the leather is 2.5mm I'm sorry to say that I have no clue of the kind of leather or the treatments it got before I laid my hands on the scrap piece at a leather stand (bought it with the idea that it would do the job since the thickness and the roughness of the leather) as you will see I had some trouble with the knobs of the belt loop, also the stitching at the front is more symmetric tan those on the back. hope you enjoy and dont hate it that much, all comments are welcome. Greetz Petsha
  9. awesum i lost my camera this summer but I'll arrange some shots of my work.
  10. awesum I will give that a shot maybe with some fur on the edges
  11. Hello, here is the introduction to Petsha( that's me), I was born in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) for me the leatherworking started with making a new sheath for my mora clipper and went on with making leather pouches for my medieval fest costumes. i'm trilled to spook around on this forum to obtain skill and knollidge and sharing all i have to share.
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