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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Printing on leather
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  1. Went to Magic in Vegas in February with new collection : You can see the whole collection here: counterego.com The website is back: leatherfx.com and the other one is: printingonleather.com We do digital printing onto leather - serving fashion, acsessories and upholstery industry worldwide. Here is a link to a little write-up about our company: http://read.uberflip.com/i/88855 on page 60 Here is another sample of our work:
  2. Built my own printer - that is, converted rol - to - roll into flatbed, figured out the combination of ink/leather, add some magic ... and it's done! Rubo
  3. Hi boyz and girls - check it out here: November issue of Sign and Digital graphics magazine: http://sdgmag.com/ma...version-library page 60 - talking about a new niche of digitally printed leather. You're welcome with any questions. Rubo leatherfx.com
  4. Hi folks, my company LeatherFx does just that - full color leather printing -the image is actually printed onto thge leather, it's not a poly - laminate or sublimation - that requires a polyesther coating - the inks are infused into the leather permanently. You can check my web site : LeatherFx.com to see some samples of work we produced. If you have any questions please contact Rubo @ rubo.gevo at yahoo dot com or call 818 640 4640
  5. Hi Folks, finally my web site is up - LeatherFX.com. Everybody's welcome to browse, I'd like to hear some comments as to how useful you think this could be for your business- actually offering new service. Cheers, Ruben
  6. Hi Amy, would you please drop me a private e-mail - I need to talk to you. Thanks, Rubo
  7. If you want me to try, send some skin. Contact me off the list and I'll give you the address.
  8. Hello folks, thanks for all the interest. Really appreciated - I learn a lot, believe me. As far as sublimation - I'm over it, so I will let it go - sublimation doesn't work - at least for my purposes - the reason being the pressure of the press - leather is a sponge, in a sense, so once you apply the heat and the pressure to transfer the image, after a while it starts expanding - so you loose the sharpness of the image. Then there is an issue with the coating (for sublimation) - that one severely restricts your leather options. I've done it and abandoned it. The prints fade. The other option is printing with UV inks on a flatbed printer - BIG bucks. The image looks like an inkjet print (dots etc, because of non-uniform surface of the leather). The coating I use happen to penetrate the leather and some of it stays on top - we have some mechanical tests done on it (some 50 000 revolutions, something or another - essentially, the life time of the item) - works like a charm. Same with UV fastness. I got the coating from a guy who has no idea about leather - he makes the staff for absolutely different purposes. I've got some more pics to show - same process for all the things you see. No, it's not a wrap. No, it's not a water transfer. It's not an airbrush. P.S. For Allen - I'd love to see the results of your search on leather printing in, as you said,"infancy". I'll print some images for you to play with in return;) Cheers. Rubo
  9. Tnx. I will.
  10. Hey Storm, thanks for the "Pretty cool" - it is. I'm actually working on patent application as we speak. You're right, it has been around for a while - but I don't have to spend $25 000 plus on equipment to do the job. I know of very few companies that do color printing on leather that is not screen printing - don't want to soot myself in the leg, so no names - but one of them will print only on their leather, the other one made a lot of noise a year or so ago - "revolution in leather technology, blah-blah-blah", but what they do is basically laminate the leather with printed film - not a lot of "leatherness" remains there, I think. I'm in Glendale and no, people cannot come to check out things - sorry. But anybody can see/touch/scratch/test/taste samples. Cheers, Ruben
  11. Hello folks, Brand new business. Name is LeatherFX. Based in Los Angeles. My first post here - want to show what we do here - just one picture for now - too busy to even to get the web site up - anyway, we do full color printing on leather - any leather, pretty much - coated, uncoated, crust, even snake skin. My customers make garments, shoes, handbags, belts, pillows, furniture, seat covers - anything you can think that is leather. The way it works - the customer provides the artwork and the skin, we do the job and everybody's happy. Or we can do the whole thing locally and ship the goods. If anybody wants to know more please contact via e-mail. I won't discuss the printing process though - it's proprietary- sorry, folks. Enjoy!
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