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About KB8UVM

  • Birthday 04/06/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio
  • Interests
    Fly fishing, tying flies, motorcycle riding and of course leather work.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Pistol Holsters
  • Interested in learning about
    Improving my skill
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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Member (2/4)

  1. Nika, I own one of Dwight's belts and he knows what he's talking about. His belt came out very nice and was comfortable to wear from day 1.
  2. I do the same thing. I put it in front of a fan over night for a couple nights. It still has a faint smell but only if you put it up to your nose.
  3. Dwight, I just wanted to say Hi. I've read dozens of your post\comments and learned a lot from you. Never released that you are the guy doing the classes at Tandy. I took a Western Style holster class there with Scott a while back. I'll have to keep my eyes open for you while I'm at Tandy, Lord knows I spend to much time there.


  4. Glad to hear it. What did you do to get it to work?
  5. Looks good and the color came out looking great.
  6. I agree with RobDude30 plus I've had as much problems with store bought dyes as I have had with Vinegaroon and the problems I've had with Vinegaroon was the leather being real old and abused and I was experimenting with it. The one big draw for me with Vinegaroon is it brings another level of homemade/handmade to my projects.
  7. I'm not expert but I have made a couple jars of Vinegaroon and it seems to work well for me. My first jar was as clear as water and my second jar was brown. They both seemed to work well so I mixed them together and so far so good. On one project the leather wasn't turning as black as I wanted, more of a grey black so I gave the leather a bath in strong black coffee and then added the Vinegaroon again. That seemed to help for me. The leather needed more tanis (SP?) for the Vinegaroon to react.
  8. Do yourself a favor and make the belt loop a lot wider then mine. Mine is to narrow and it allows the holster to flop to much. As for the extra loops on the front, that sounds like a good idea. I'm planing on making a clip on ammo holder that will carry 6 extra rounds, I'll post pics if I ever get a chance to make it.
  9. Thanks ShortBBL. This was my first time making an IWB.
  10. Actually BillyMac I've seen this holster for a full size 1911. I don't think a heavier gun matters with this holster as long as it is longer. I'm guessing that a longer gun will have more friction and will handle the heavier gun.
  11. Thanks for the compliments. I used a T-nut with a screw through the snap base and a star lock washer between the leather loop and the holster to help keep it from spinning. The T-nut and screw that I used was a 6-32x3/8 and I had to cut about 1/8" off of the end of the screw. I've been wanting to try this hardware and finally had a chance. Thank you for your compliments. When I have a loop over the gun I will either sew it on like you mentioned or I'll add another piece of leather over the face and sew it on and put the snap base between the leather and sometimes I'll glue a piece on the inside to cover the snap/T-nut base and shave it down very thin. I've had the same concerns as you with this holster but with the rough out and the belt snug that single belt loop is holding great. I've been wearing it for the last 3 days with no problems. I've practiced drawing and re-holstering and I've had no problems. The draw is very clean and the holster stays in place. When re-holstering if I jam the gun in I will have to reposition the holster but it doesn't move much. If I have to jam it in a hurry I can leave it where it moves to because it's not that big of a deal. If I pay attention when holstering it doesn't move at all. I was very surprised with this holster, it carries the pistol a lot better then I expected.
  12. This is my first try at an IWB. I have made a few other holsters before this one, you can see them at my profile page. Yes I do have a sight channel, I used a small dowel rod taped to the slide from the front sight to just shy of the ejection port. As for my first holster every, here's how it looked.
  13. A friend of mine wants me to make him and IWB for is baby Glock. Before I can do that I had to make one for myself. Here's my first try, it's for a Kel-Tec P-11. Suggestions, comments?
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