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About badasp118

  • Birthday 09/02/1970

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  • Location
    Salina Kansas

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    holsters, knife sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    stamping, moulding, etc
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I didn't even know they made a blackhawk in 44 special. Great now I want one........and ill have to make a holster...n buy dies, n. Bullets.....now see what u started. Seriously I gotta get one...n I love the holster... Badasp118
  2. Thanks guys, you answered my question well..... I appreciate it.... Badasp118
  3. Okay here's my question. I have a chance to buy a singer 29 hour has four of them that range from 400 to 750. They are tredel powered n in perfect shape. I do a lot of chap repair as well as making holsters and etc......would this be a good machine for making chaps holsters etc? Badasp118
  4. All I can say is I don't get the same feeling when I buy a production holster as I do a custom. I as a customer I enjoy planning it and talking to the maker, and getting "my" holster. Badasp118
  5. Okay I'm going to ad my two cents worth. As someone that has carried a gun 24/7 for 20 years I have a bit of insite on this subject. I do believe that a double thickness belt is a great thing and gives a very stable platform for a holster. Now I carry in kansas, ie heat humidity etc and I have always used a single thickness Jaypee brand 8-9 oz garrison belt. It has always supported my weapon well and as my carry gun has been a fullsize 1911 or sig P220 neither of which is a lightweight I would say that the belt has held up well. I still use the same belt to this day. Some days its loaded down with extra mags, radio, cuffs etc, some days just the gun. As a police firearms instructor I always recommend to my guys a quality holster and belt. I would go out on a limb to say double is prefered but I believe quality is the key. And the belt loops and belt being the same size. 1 1/4 belt with 1 3/4 holster loops is bad ju ju, lol. I believe the belt and holster should be bought to compliment each other not put together piecemeal. Just my opinion but it comes from many years of experience....thanks for listening... Badasp118
  6. Im experimenting with a design I picked up on cascity's leather workers site for a 1911 and modified it for my sig P6 / P225 off duty gun. I love that little surplus west german pistol and carry it all the time over my other guns, but hate nylon holsters. Its not quite finished and this was made with scrap leather, and not very good quality leather either. I did line it with 4oz and I am going to make another with better leather, when I can afford to buy some leather. This was all I had left, some Tandy inport leather. Its a very simple tension holster, I used t-nuts, and I used auto Vaccum hose to cover the tension screw to keep my frame from getting damaged. Its a slick little design and I even tried carving a badge in the leather. It worked pretty good and looks better than in the picture. I learned alot from making this one. I've never used a quality leather and am wondering does it dye better than this cheap stuff? Hold up better? just curious...... Sorry the picture isn't better quality, Im just kinda excited about this one n wated someone to see it.......... Badasp118
  7. glad you liked the poster!! Im a city Police Officer in Kansas.....Stay safe out there bud!!

  8. I like the law enforcment poster had to save that one. I am a NC Trooper.

  9. Im loioking for a pattern for a Sig p225/P6 for a off duty carry holster for myself. I really don't want to make a pattern for this as I am looking for holster pattern thats tried and proven, as I have to stake my life on this....I have the skill to build it, just need a good pattern. I'd appreciate it........ Badasp118
  10. I had the front of the holster cut down on purpose to be able to clear leather faster. I know this sounds rediculous, but I was hunting in heavy rattlesnake country, and was loaded with snakeloads. It proved to be very fast. Plus as a Uniformed officer that carries everyday I wasn't to concerned with the safety aspect as I carry with the hammer on a empty chamber when I carry a single-action. I also made the retention strap to where it could swivil out of the way. I shot three rattlers that trip that went over 40+ inches. They were delicous by the way, first time I ever ate rattlesnake. badasp118
  11. I thought Id finally post a picture of my first holster, this was taken right after I made it and took it on an extended two week hunting / camping trip in which I wore it strongside and crossdraw. In the pictures you can't see it but there is another slot close in that allows for crossdraw carry. It worked awesome. I made it over a year ago and Im still learning and welcome critisism. I will give kudos to Bob Mernickle as I borrowed the idea from him. But I made my own pattern, etc. One thing I did like was the pistol was secure even with the retention strap off of it............... It was a lot of firsts for me, I only made knife sheaths bvefore this, never stamped anything before this, never skived leather before this, never cut belt loops before this, etc...........I made the matching small knife sheath too, but wasnt happy with it, although it worked well. Ive also included pics of a bowie sheath I made (I made the knife as well) and a pic of a buttstock shell carrier. Feedback please, its the only way im gonna get better. Im gonna leave stamping to the experts though, it kills my arthrites something fierce! Badasp118
  12. I LOVE it! Awesome job! Im jelous!!! badasp118
  13. Well Ill tell you what if you dont like it send it my way! Id be darn proud to wear a beautiful holster like that on duty! I LIKE IT! They will only get better!!! Im gonna go hide mine now, it looks like a turd compared to that one. The boning looks great!!! Badasp118
  14. Well I think its pretty darn cool!!! Badasp118
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