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  1. I've used the plain clips from Tandy, mounted with a small leather "washer" between the clip and the holster to make room for tuckability (is that a word?), but it isn't great. I'm now using a sandwich of the clip between leather or a the leather tabs with leather snap loops at the top. The real challenge is making something that's sturdy enough to hold up to repeated drawing - the leather sandwich tabs need to have strong reinforcement to maintain their strength.
  2. Very nice looking holsters. I've never tried dip dying - do you literally dip the piece in a container full of dye? I'm curious how you do it - and is it horribly messy??
  3. I guess the topic says it all - I've been getting my clips from the Tandy store, but am wondering if there's a better source for good belt clips. Thanks!
  4. I just found out I'm going to finally be a Grandpa - my first grandbaby!! So, my wife and daughters are busily knitting and crocheting blankets and stuff, I thought it'd be fun if I could make something too. Problem is, I don't know what. Right now, most of my leatherwork is in holsters for pistols, and I'm sure it's too soon for that. So, I'll ask the forum - does anyone have any good patterns for anything baby related? Moccasins or shoes or something? Any and all ideas would be great! Woo hoooo!!
  5. I've had someone request a lined holster - which I've never done before. I was thinking suede, but it sounds like you don't like it. As I read this, you are saying to take two pieces of thinner, veg tanned leather (3oz and 5oz for example) and glue them rough to rough, then proceed as normal. I'm I catching this right?
  6. When you use suede for the lining, how does it handle the wet forming? Does the suede stay soft? thanks!
  7. In the never ending quest for the "perfect" holster, I've ended up with a collection (and have two more on the drawing board). Here are some of my first attempts - an IWB for my Kel-Tec P11: and one for my Dan Wesson CBOB: and my very first holster, and OWB for the CBOB: I wish I had found this site before I started, I could have saved myself many hours of wasted time. I think my next holster for the 1911 with have a Diamondback rattlesnake trim (the local Tandy store has a couple of beautiful skins...)
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