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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Tooling, artwork
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    by accident

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  1. Thanks, guys!
  2. I need a 1" round punch, but have not had much success in finding one that size. Any suggestions??
  3. Hi, I need to cut down some long strips for straps (5/8") and am trying to sort out how to get the best cut. I have a heavy, sharp knife, but haven't had the best success getting perfect cuts. Any tips?
  4. Well thought out, smart designs. Love the adjustability. Why am I trying to make my own quivers when one of these would make me very happy!
  5. Recently, I ran across this great site for folks that really puts the business aspect into perspective for those artisans that would rather just make stuff, rather than think about how to get rid of it. Thought I would share it here. Enjoy. http://www.craftmba.com/
  6. Twitter is a great tool for some of the reasons mentioned above. It does take time (months) to build a following of current and more importantly, potential customers. I have a slightly different view of the horse people/ non owner example. Some of those folks eventually will have a horse and be in the market for your product. You have already done the groundwork and they will hopefully come to you first when ready to purchase. We call them Prospects rather than Customers. You need to look at that group a little differently and not dismiss just because they won't buy today. People are more apt to buy from someone they feel they have a connection with. Especially if it is expensive and/or custom. Build it into part of your overall plan and remember it's low cost aside from just 5 minutes a day to post. A great book on the whole subject of social media marketing is "The New Rules of Marketing and PR", by David Meerman Scott, which coves blogging, Twitter and other channels to help your audience find YOU, instead of the other way around. Smart, eh? A
  7. I have an idea for a project that needs a feather pelt (turkey, pheasant, etc), but don't know the first thing about working with that type of leather. Had anyone done taxidermy or worked with this stuff before? Is it durable? I also need a source, since I didn't get a turkey bowhunting this spring. ;( Have put the word on the street to the guys that I know, but am thinking it may be tough to come up with something. Where do fly-fisherman get theirs? -A
  8. We had a draft in the barn named Moose. A real moose would have been easier to deal with. And smaller. Thanks, A
  9. Metal, not sure what sizes - not chap heavy. Will be used for smaller pockets that get a lot of use, so metal with a good pull tab. Sounds like I need to learn how to set my own lengths.
  10. Hello, Amanda,

    I hope you are not offended by my response to your post. Just havin' a little writer's run-off. Not meant as any disrespect toward you, nor the importance of your topic.

  11. I need some decent zippers that won't fall apart, that are also short (6-12") The sewing shop zippers are junk and the pull is too small to loop in any leather anyway. Wholesale is good. Where do you guys buy?? I haven't seen any in Tandy or the usual places, but am just starting to look for them. (sorry I think I put this in the wrong section) Thanks! A
  12. I get a lot of supplies from this funky old craft store and they might be able order some moose hide for me. Has anyone worked with it and did it present any problems? I am making archery accessories (quivers, arm guards), not moccasins or saddle seats with it. It seems a little stretchy, but not as bad as deer hide. It had me at the butter soft finish.
  13. If you need to do both on the same piece of leather, which is better to start with? Tooling?
  14. Thanks, guys! I will look up both of those. A
  15. You should get a bounce report back with the urls that did not go through. Remove them after you use the list each time so you aren't paying to send to bad addresses over and over.
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