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About bloomqmx

  • Birthday 03/01/1946

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  • Location
    Sandy, Utah

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    just learning sheath making

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  1. Thanks for the info joet. Are you buying the utility skirting sides? I am new to leather so I'm not sure of terminology.. Mike
  2. Looking for a recommendation from yawl.. In the last two to three weeks I have call wickett & craig to order three double shoulders in different weights. They tell me they don’t have any in stock and only get them once in a while. Do any of you have any suggestion of an option? Thanks for your help.. Mike
  3. Man I looked. Thanks TexasJack. Just what I needed. Mike
  4. Thanks for the info
  5. I have looked for two days and cannot find a thing about cartridge loops.. Can you lead me to what you are thinking.. Thanks a ton Mike
  6. I cannot find any good info for making cartridge loops for a western belt. Can anyone help or send me a useful link? Thanks for looking Mike
  7. Fritz, you amaze me. Nice sheath. Your edging job around the Wolf is great.. Mike Bloomqmx
  8. Thanks for the info.. I'll give them a try.. Mike
  9. I am looking to purchase some exotic leathers but don't know any vendors or who to trust. ( buy online?) Can you fellow crafters help a newbie out? Thanks a ton Mike
  10. Thanks for the feedback Alex.. Mike
  11. I just waited a few days after dying to make sure the dye in the holes were dry.. Thanks for the feedback Mike
  12. Thanks for the positive feed back.. Mike
  13. Here it is after watching CB video. What do you think?
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