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About pearlheartgtr

  • Birthday 03/05/1976

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  • Location
    Holbrook, NY
  • Interests
    Tattooing, Pinstriping, Guitar.

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    none yet
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    all of it
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  1. No big deal. I kinda figured they were around the 2' length going by other handbags I looked up. Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. Thanks, but I think I may have a good idea on what I need to do. I found a thread here where someone made the bag and posted a few pictures of it. With that and Tandy's bag measurements, I think I have enough to go on. The one alternative tooling pattern (posted above) has a full size picture of one of the sides, so I can take it from there and build off of that. Would you be able to give me a length of the straps? That's the only thing left I would really need. Thanks a lot! I really hope I don't screw this up.
  3. I have those already. I need the pattern to build the bag.
  4. Hey guys! I'm looking to make a Sophia handbag for my mother for Mother's Day. I have everything to make it, but I need a pattern to build it. I emailed Tandy with hopes that they have a pattern for it, but I figured I'd ask here also. https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/sophia-handbag-kit Thanks!
  5. OK. Thanks. I'll give it a try.
  6. This is what I'm making. The top of the handle is supposed to snap closed.
  7. I was thinking about making a wine tote for my aunt, but it calls for 3 snaps at the top of the handle. All well and good, but the backside of the snap is ugly and really makes the tote look cheap. Are there snaps that have caps on both sides? I had thought about just leaving it be, without a fastener at the top, or sewing a flap of leather with a snap to wrap around the handle. I just wanted to check my options before I proceed.
  8. I decided to give tattooing leather another go this morning at 3am. I used 5-6oz veg tan with a cheapo Swashdrive Whip clone I had laying around and a 5RS for the lining and shading. I set the Whip at 8 with the power supply at 6v. I did start at 4v, but it just wasn't enough umph and speed. First I did 3 coats of Tan-Kote. I set it in front of the a/c each time while I set up my gear. The stencil was applied with homemade Stencil Stuff (I won't be doing this again because the stencil stuck on like nobodies business--I'll be tracing it cased next time). I tried to get the stencil off with alcohol, but that stripped the Tan-Kote and made a mess of the leather from there on out (see: tracing next time). The ink I used was Waverly along with their Blue Bird black. Oh, and lots of Vaseline. I don't think it turned out too bad. It was 3am and just messing around. Now I just have to tweak the process.
  9. Here's a topic I started last year with a file of recipes I found on another site. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=52879&hl=
  10. Ok. Thanks you for the explanation!
  11. I absolutely do not understand that calculator. I'm looking to cut 1/8-1/4" wide lace.
  12. I'm poking around on ebay and found some roo hides for sale. I was wondering about how much lace can be cut from one hide? This particular one measures 27" x 27". http://www.ebay.com/itm/SHARPENING-STROP-KANGAROO-LEATHER-NATURAL-VEG-TANNED-SKIN-WHOLE-HIDE-not-dyed-/281057838203?pt=AU_Leathercraft&hash=item41705a447b
  13. I'm still working out finishing kinks. At the moment, I'm using either Satin or Super Sheen since I bought a bottle of each a few years ago and figured I might as well use them. I also have a couple of other pruducts I'm playing with for the final finish but I'm going to be making my own version of Montan Pitch Blend.
  14. Thanks! One collar (full 1 1/2" with skulls) has a double center bar and the other is a regular center bar buckle (tapered down to 1"). I'm using 8-9oz leather, if I remember correctly. It could be 7-8oz. I bought it around 3 years ago at Tandy as a full side. I do want to get into doubling up and stitching or just adding a backing liner, especially if I decide to start adding spots and other blingy things. But that costs more money and I'll use what I have now until then.
  15. I want to learn braiding so I can make show leads (and regular ones). For the show leads, what size paracord should I get for a 4 strand round braid? Most show leads I have seen are about 1/4" or smaller. Last night I ordered a few 100' spools of 3-4 mm paracord for practice before I plunge into buying or making leather lace.
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