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Everything posted by SmkyTheBr

  1. I just read a post in my email from another group that Paul Burnett has passed away, if it's true my condolences to the Burnett Family. " Rest in Peace Paul "

  2. Altogether I put in about 24 to 26 hours of work. The company I work for is based in the Netherlands, have you heard of DSM Unlimited.
  3. They're great for those hard to get places,LOL.
  4. I just finished this picture for my brother who is a avid fly fisherman.
  5. I just finished this Guitar Strap. I needed to create something of my own design for a change, this is what I came up with. Tom
  6. Got bored recently, I pulled out an old Tandy Shoulder Bag pattern from about 25 years ago and put it together. They had some great patterns back then, and a great diversity in their styles. I'm glad I saved all those old patterns. Tom Matley
  7. I want to thank those that responded so far. I don't usually put writing on anything, but I made an album for display and everyone that looked at it wondered what it was until they picked it up and looked at it. I thought putting the word on it would take the guesswork out of it. I haven't had occasion to really remember the old english lessons ( it's been a long time), and I was never that good at it, LOL. I kept looking at my rough drawings and thinking that something didn't look right, but I just went ahead with them anyway. As soon as I saw the 1st post about the apostrope I knew what it was that was bothering me. Oh well, live and learn. Thanks again Tom I would not and do not take offense at anything that has been posted, after all, I asked for the help.
  8. Those belts are really awesome looking. I wish I had 1/2 the talent that Peter has. It is a goal worth reaching for!! I alway's love seeing his work posted. Tom
  9. I just completed these two Photo Album covers, I'm going to attempt to sell them at an upcoming craftfair and I can't seem to decide on a price. If anyone has any idea's I would appreciate any input? The album's are the small one's that hold 100 photo's, the cover is 5" X 7". If anyone has any comments about the work any pointers would be helpful as well. Thanks Tom
  10. I've never done anything that big, but on smaller projects where thin leather is used, I use a thin cardboard to keep things flat. I find that manilla file folders, the kind used in offices are really good. They are really thin (so they don't leave any tell tale signs that it's there) and they don't bend much after they are cemented to a piece of leather. If you cut to fit then cement it on a flat surface it may be enough to get the curl out of your project. I really like it by the way, great job. I hope whatever you choose to works, keep us posted. Tom
  11. I used a plastic edge slicker from Tandy and inserted one of the rubber spreader attachments for the Dremel used for the sanding wheels, it fit perfect and works great. Tom
  12. I don't know if this is the right place to post this bit of information. When I have to lace or sew a project I sometimes use binder clips as clamps. They come in a whole range of sizes they are easy to fasten and unclip as you move along sewing or lacing. You can get them at any Office supply store like Staple's or Office Depot. Tom
  13. Here are some bags I made to sell. the first is a brown and black bag that attchs to the front forks. The second and third are a set of black bags, one for the front forks and the other is attached to the sissybar. Tom
  14. Gotta learn to put digital camera on lowest setting so I can get more than one picture on a post, LOL.
  15. I just finished this project. It's a cover for my leather projects photo album. The photo album itself is just a regular store bought album that holds 100, 6" X 4" Photo's in 50 pages, the dimensions of the book are 6 1/2" X 5 1/8" X 2 1/4",
  16. I worked in a tannery as a young man, and I can tell you that they use many different chemicals to tan hides. I'd have to say your probably having a reaction to one of the Tannin's that are used during the process. It would probably take more effort than it is worth to find out what a particular tanner is using on the hides, and then narrowing it down to a particular chemical. I'd stick with the good live oak tanned leather if your not having a problem. Hope this answers some of your questions, although it probably won't help. Good Luck Tom
  17. GREAT JOB!!!! I wouldn't have guessed that your a beginer if you hadn't said so. Tom
  18. Here are a few ponytail holders I made from pieces of scrap leather and odd concho's I had from other projects. Tom
  19. SmkyTheBr

    Panda Bear

    I'm hoping to get around $200 for it, we'll see what happens. I spent about 20 hours total on this project, tooling and dying. The only thing left to do is put a frame around it. Tom
  20. SmkyTheBr

    Panda Bear

    I just finished this Panda Bear. I'm hoping to sell it at an upcoming craftfair. Tom
  21. Hi All I've been a member for quite awhile, I just never thought of posting any of the work I do. I didn't start keeping a photographic record of the projects I've made until recently when people have asked to see some of my work prior to placing and order. I have recently posted a couple of pictures of some of my most recent projects. I have been doing leatherwork, and leather repair for about 35 years on and off. I've made everything from belts and wallets to saddlebags for motorcycles, and some pictures. It's more of a hobby than a business for me, although it is a good paying hobby, lol. Tom
  22. The case is hand stitched with a 1/4" border dyed black along the edge's.
  23. Here is a CD/DVD case I recently completed. I found the picture in a cataloge and adapted it to fit the CD case. Tom
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