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Everything posted by Tinneal

  1. Hey! Sorry I didn't reply to this until now... Fake guns for molding are hard to get around here, so I usually just use the gun itself. I wrap it in cling wrap (or something similar) to keep the moisture out.
  2. I've been meaning to make a new bridle for my horse, Belle, for a while now, and I finally finished it just a few days ago! I took apart my previous bridle to get the measurements for these pieces, and boy... I made my previous bridle about 6 years ago, and I was cringing at my workmanship... I'm glad I have a new one now. It's a much better representation of my skills! I will post photos of it on my mare when I see her next weekend. As much as I like this one, I'm not terribly attached to it... I might still make another one, and sell this one... But we'll see.
  3. I absolutely love the Celtic horse pattern!!
  4. Tinneal

    IMG 9916

    From the album: Small Cases

  5. Tinneal

    IMG 9912

    From the album: Small Cases

  6. Tinneal

    IMG 9911

    From the album: Small Cases

  7. Tinneal

    IMG 9894

    From the album: Small Cases

  8. Tinneal

    IMG 9892

    From the album: Small Cases

  9. I had a lot of interest in the heart one! It didn't last long before it was sold. I will probably stock my shop with more... (And maybe one for myself... Even though I already have 3.)
  10. Version 3 of my original. I've improved the way the strap loop slides. I'm also really happy with the way the chrome hardware and white stitching compliments the brown leather. A custom version of my bookstrap, made with a longer, wider strap and larger panel in order to accomodate a large art portfolio. A more minimal version. A more modern version I made one night while having beers with a friend. Inspired by the above version. (I grew quite attached to this one. The worst part about making such things is that I want to keep all of them. It has since been sold... I might make another one.)
  11. Beautiful! And wonderful burnish. Mind sharing how you did it?
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