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Status Replies posted by Tinneal

  1. Had two surgeries on my hand and wrist... Finally able to get back to leatherwork.

    1. Tinneal


      No. Broke my arm bad enough to need pins and a plate put in. Then another surgery to repair ruptured tendons. I still don't have 100% use of my left hand, but leatherwork has been good for rehab.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. What's on your mind?

    1. Tinneal


      Working on a sleigh bell door hanger! It's looking good so far...

  3. Don’t know why, but I love the sound of leather… close your eyes & listen to someone stepping up into the saddle… I have been watching old reruns of the rifleman

  4. I am not reposting anything. If this means face Book is going to charge me 10 bucks a month, guess what? They can kiss my #$$!

    1. Tinneal


      Don't worry. They'll never charge for there services. That was just an internet rumour.

  5. Just joined leatherworker.net such talented people! Looking forward to getting to know everybody

  6. Intersting conversation with a number of guys I shoot with who are also customers of mine. They actually talked me into raising my prices and changing my pricing structure a bit. What kind of customers are they who WANT to pay more???

    1. Tinneal


      I have a few customers who usually pay me more than I bill them... They say I undersell myself. I'm not going to argue with them!

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