Yes Eric, it is... it's for the husband of an old friend from college. His wife is coming tomorrow, bringing his gun to try it on - sure hope it fits! I waited to attach the snap strap to ensure it won't be too loose or too tight as the strap on the old holster used to make a pattern seemed worn. I will attach it while she is here and send it home with her, hopefully I will hear back on how he likes it and our friendship remains in tack.
I used a 2" tandy belt blank for the belt, cut the strip for the bullet loops and keepers from a 3/5oz belly, and cut the holster from an 8/9oz double shoulder. If I were to do this again, I'd want a side to cut the belt and holster out of the same piece as they took the stain differently so it took some playing around trying to get the colors to match. Or maybe go heavier with saddle skirting leather if it is toolable (not sure about that). As for finish... gel stain in saddle tan tooled side with professional oil dye in black for the flesh side of the holster. Edge kote & burnished edges. The black flesh side was burnished as smooth as can be with Gum Tac (or trach-whatever, never can remember how to spell that). Also gave it some Lexol conditioner and a couple coats of Institutional Leather Finish (clear coats) and what seemed like hours of hand buffing it between things with lambs wool. As a final finish, considering this is what he'll most likely use on it now and then, a good buffing with neutral shoe polish. Don't know if that's the proper way to do it... but that's how I finished it. Thought about trying to water proof it more... but I will leave that up to him.