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About longtooth

  • Birthday 10/21/1936

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    Antioch, Ill. 60002

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Horse trainers and cowboy action shooter
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  1. Looking at the color on my original from Andy I would say you nailed the color. Nice job.
  2. I would be happy to help people on this forum with any blue gun I have. Don't have many but you never know.
  3. Made this for a friend who has a CZ 75. He wanted something different. He hasn't seen it or even know that I started it. Opinions appreciated. Thank you for looking
  4. Made this for a friend who has a CZ 75. He wanted something different. He hasn't seen it or even know that I started it. Opinions appreciated. Thank you for looking
  5. I think i would run far away from that job. The holster seems easy but the customer seems to be the issue. I agree with the above comments. One holster to do one job. Maybe and extra set of slots so the holster can be worn on the strong side and moved over for when your sitting in the car.
  6. Hoping this will help. From what I see in the pictures. Edges need to be smoothed and painted The stitching should be close to the trigger guard. From what I see the gun in time will fall in and and may interfere with the magazine release. As stated above, wet forming and a little detail would go a long way. When I mould my holsters then I sew the stitch line around the trigger guard. This helps me get really close and tight.
  7. On another note, I made two half-breed holsters using a blue gun and a grey one I got from Cabellas. The blue gun was a H&K sub-compact the grey one a Sig 226. Both holsters needed adjustments with the real guns. I guess working with leather you have a little more lead way than with the Kydex. Also, Rickdroid I would be more than happy to offer you the same deal if I have a gun you need to make a holster for. I have about twenty at this time.
  8. Sorry for the heading Beers. Typing sucks. Laughing. Rickdroid, thank you very much for the offer. I went to the gun store and they had one. They let me put it in the holster. Made some adjustments and was good to go. The problem I saw was the magizine ejector button. I elected not to sew around the trigger guard until i was able to put the gun in the holster to see how far it needed to go in and not interfere with the button. I'll post a picture when it's done. Thank you again.
  9. Making a holster( avenger) for Bersa sub compact 9 mm. Not wanting to buy a buy gun at this time was wondering if the CZ 75 would work looks like the same trigger guard and the dimensions are close. Thank you in advance.
  10. Tinker thank you for your help . .Appreciate you taking the time.
  11. I have a Adler 220 30" longneck machine and was wondering if anyone may know somebody who I can purchase a operating manual from. Thank you in advance.
  12. The rig is called the walk and draw. It was made by Andy Andersen. The holster is metal lined and has wings on it that fit on the hip which is metal lined. Andy made the rig for me in the 60's. I have the holster and can take some pictures for you. This is my email address longtooth47562@yahoo.com.
  13. Chiefjason, The only difficult part of making the holster was cutting the stingray. Once I glued it to the leather and finished it with the dremel tool. the rest was a piece of cake. I worn it now for about a week and it holds it's body better than some older holsters that have a lot more wear on them. A year from now I think this holster will have the same body and tension.
  14. Forget to mention that the finishing touches was done with a Dremel tool.
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