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Everything posted by wareagle

  1. Stamps.com is the third party site for first class postage it is good but can be pricey. For me it is cheaper to send it Priority Mail than fight with stamps.com over monthly fees.
  2. I use a sharp round knife, once you have it sharp enough it has sooo many uses.
  3. lots of up grades for their tools, leathers and hardware, including some nice buckles.
  4. Anybody in Southern VT stop by Saturday and say hi at Dover Day

  5. What online shopping sites do you use to market your products other than you own website? I use etsy and google merchant center.
  6. finally got google base feed to work for my site

  7. hate entering products into the website

  8. try Kate ..... http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showuser=7
  9. I fully agree Kate you put my thoughts into words better than I ever could .... get out of my head =-)
  10. Finished the belt form H*** would not hold a case worth a darn and would dry unevenly I say begone

  11. Where I am coming from is the the less than 10% of the people here that when a question on how to do something is asked their response is go find out for your self that is what I had to do. instead of pointing out that the technique is called and if they know of a tutorial pointing to it or a short explanation on how to do it or to reference a book for the more complex techniques. but for them just to say do it yourself and find it your self is rude and crude and leaves the forum looking bad for the new people trying to learn. For the most part everybody here is very helpful and willing to answer questions, and I thank you for that.
  12. Ya know I understand some people on this board consider leather working an industry and as such won't share how they do something when asked, I'm fine with their attitude and understand why they do that. But Leather working is also a dieing art that needs to be passed on to our future generations, and if all of the leather workers took this view we would soon be without the art of leather working, and left with the mass producers turning out second rate knock offs of some of the best work here. I for one came here to learn new techniques and advance my leather working knowledge, also to impart what little knowledge I have from the techniques I have learned over the past 30+ years. The statement I remember most from the different teachers I have had is the way you learn is when you see a new skill, research it, study it, then adapt it for the way you work and make it your own. Also there is no one way to obtain the same results. for example looking at the various ways of skiving.
  13. They look like natural with a top coat of some short that browned them then the pouches have a ton of patina on them(age and use) to the point there is no way to know the original color.
  14. Waiting on a leather belt blank to dry enough to start cutting it.

  15. From some one that has dribbled in several tradesman's skill sets, I have learned not all methods work for all people, and it is best to research the subject and study how others do it then try doing it on your own and perfecting your own method for doing that skill.
  16. still not working Name: Tracy Fowler UserName: wareagle IP Address: Email Address: tracyfowler66@comcast.net
  17. yang New Member Group:Members Posts:1 Joined:Today, 02:04 AM Country: Location:china Interests:yanghsunghang iow Leatherwork Specialty:vjb uiww How did you find leatherworker.net?:gogle Posted Today, 02:28 AM Did you see that little switch blade auto knife? They got it listed on the website for only $0.17 cents and that's with free shipping! Here is a link to ithttp://www.liangdian...tory/400021.htm or you can go to www.liangdianup.com and go to the knives section or search the stock number with the search on the right side. The knife has a stock number of 400021 on the LDU Company website. Name: Tracy Fowler UserName: wareagle IP Address: Email Address: tracyfowler66@comcast.net
  18. The more mass you have between your tooling and the bench the quieter the tooling will be also having something to absorb the vibrations under that mass helps too,

  19. I have the one from Tandy, it works but not very well, bolt is too close to the top to be useful.
  20. use a foam noodle like for swimming arched in the corners stops the pooling of water on the ez ups.
  21. We have a one up? from walmart we have had it for 4 years now and holds up better in wind than easy up and one person can set it up. only thing we need to replace is one of the leg catches but still in great shape.
  22. getting this error trying to report a spammer: [#10136.1] The report center module for the content you are trying to report is not configured correctly.
  23. it could be a version of this quick release, called a panic snap. lots of different styles and configurations of these.
  24. I use an #1 xacto-style knife after cutting and tooling the pattern. will post an example later of one I am working on.
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