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John at Byson

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Posts posted by John at Byson

  1. We have been a bit quiet here over lockdown and we had a couple of health issues and as a result we decided not to do much motorcycle leather work any more and concentrate on vintage & reproduction flying kit etc.

    As a result we have come up with a bit of a project, if anyone is interested....Byson leather project page

    As I say on the page linked this is neither a tribute nor a repro - it is what we might have submitted had we been tendering for a flying jacket contract in 1938.


    Really just waiting for the sleeve zips to be made in Switzerland.

  2. For various complicated reasons we are ceasing to do boot work and so we will be selling our Singer 29K60 machine. This is a long arm treadle model with the "splittable" arm ( there are similar machine out there with a one-piece arm which are virtually impossible to service). It has been drilled to accept a motor at some stage but we have used it as a treadle machine for the last 12 years or so. We are open to reasonable offers or would swap for a Singer 46K49 / Allbrook & Hashfield / Techsew 402 or similar. Posting here before posting anywhere else. This is a very nice, working machine. The table hardware is included but will need a new top making as it is for a short arm machine. By all means contact us for further information.





  3. On 3/8/2013 at 12:50 PM, needles said:

    brilliant job, looks great, can i ask, did you just stain the leather or did you use a stain/ finish mix or pigment and sealant mix?

    We used a pigment / sealant mix (which we actually had formulated for Irvin work). I have seen dyed-through "restorations" and do not personally like the result.

  4. We have a Highlead GA06881 surplus to requirements in North Herts UK. It has been used regualrly but lightly and maintained regularly to a high standard. Comes with motor & table &c. Sews exceptionaly well and with 2 drive pulleys can be set up for slow or fast speed ranges. By all means contact us to arrange to inspect it for yourself. Will need 2 people to move it - it is no lightweight. PM me for further details if you are interested in seeing it or to get a link to our Dropbox directory to see pictures (which are a bit big to upload). The sheet below is the original sales flyer. Offers in the region of £1600.


  5. Hi folks. Not been about for a while & here I come after help. :-)

    One of our customers has picked up a pair of WW2 British despatch Rider boots. The leather is in surprisingly good condition but as you can imagine the stitching is rotted. We have put them together for display purposes but the client would like to wear them. Anyone able / know of someone able to take these apart and re-build them ? In the UK or close ?

    Boots are similar to these:


  6. I just had an inquiry for a cartridge bag. Not the kind that hang from a strap over the shoulder, but a prospective customer wanting a couple of belt mounted bags made. We don't have the time to make stuff but is there anyone out there (preferably UK based) who might be interested ? He is phoning around but if he comes up dry he will get back to me. We are talking about a 30 round capacity, 12 gauge.

  7. Usually I post stuff here about stuff we DON'T do. :-)

    Just for once, here is an example of our more mainstream work, albeit an extreme one. Subject is a 1943 pattern USAAF B3 jacket (by Werber ?) rescued from a pet bed. It was in such poor condition we could not simply repair it so we tried something a bit more radical. We have not attempted to fake the restoration. The buckles are "wrong" but VERY similar to those used on wartime British (Irvin) flying jackets. The straps are cut to match from English saddle hide and we didn't try to get the "right" colour. Patches are from wartime sheerling. Zip is a NOS early1940's Conmar.The surface has been stabilized using a custom mixed modern preparation. We aimed for a "seal brown". It is close enough to the original to look good, but it is still clear which panels have and have not been restored. I guess the effewct we were trying to get was a radical "in theatre" repair. I hope it doesn't upset any purists out there. The alternative was back to the pet bed.



    More detail at http://www.bysonleat.../B3 project.htm

  8. Hi. Long time no see :-)

    Anyone have a clue where I can get hold of BROWN grommets ? I need to source 4mm (5/32") ones to replace missing ones on wartime Irvin jackets & they appear to be like hen's teeth. I would prefer a UK / EU source but I don't have any problem buying outside. Washers should be brass.

  9. If anyone has one in their way, I am looking for a Singer long arm patcher. I guess it HAS to be a split arm machine, and I would be happy with just a head (have a treadle). We'll buy or trade with a short arm 29K58 in very nice order. Preferably in the UK unless someone in the US knows a sewing machine smuggler  :-)

  10. Hi. I have just brought a Singer 29K56 (long arm) which will replace our 29K58 (short arm) machine. This is a solid arm model but the vast majority of the parts are the same. But the rack box is an inserted item held in from below by two screws and the shuttle holder bush is a plain cylinder, not the "top hat" design used on the K58. Anyone any ideas as to where I can get hold of one of these bushes (part # 82070) and (more unlikely) a rack box which I think is part # 82065 ?

    I can probably get the bush made up, and that would also negate the need for the box as I can then have it half a thou oversize, but parts would be favorite.

  11. I purchased a couple of these at The Hide House.

    At first they seemed like a waste of space in my tool box but after using it for a while It now lives on my work bench.

    Enough said

    Thanks guys. I actually found Osborne's catalog about 20:00 last night. All I need now is a UK supplier  :-)

  12. Anyone any idea as to what this is EXACTLY ?

    Obviously it is a hammer of some sort and probably a cobbler's tool (though we use it for flattening the seams on bike kit) But I need to know EXACTLY what it is called so I can source another one  :-)

    Sorry about the quality of the picture :-)


  13. >1.What would be the best beginner leather sewing machine for me?..From what i've read I need a walking foot >machine, right?my budget is about $450-500...I was thinking about getting the Yamata or Feiyue FS288 from >Unbeatableprice(about $300) and get the monster wheel from Sailrite( i read about this machine in the forums >here)..I need to go as slow as i can for some small applique work on some jackets..

    If you can find an old Singer, go for it. I'd avoid the 29K machines though unless you are mechanically minded as they tend to have lead a very hard life. But walking foot is essential if you are doing this seriously.

    >2.What kind of leather to use?...I do not want to use very light leather..i want the jackets to be somehow >heavy but also comfortable... kinda like the old leather motorcycle or flight jackets with the grain surface...What >thickness and temper of leather would be good?Buffalo or cowhide?

    Cowhide, at least 1.3mm thick. There are some musings here that may help...


    >3.What type of thread and needles?again think of the well made vintage motorcycle jackets.

    We use Coats  Nylbond 40T70. We DON'T use leather point needles. Use the finest needle you can get away with. It does less damage to the leather.

    >4.If you know any links or forums that would be good for me to check out about leather clothing.>

  14. Have had an enquiry from a customer about re-making the saddle on his 1924 Douglas.


    (mind the wrap)

    My rapidly fading memory suggests that there was a really detailed article out there on the net laying out EXACTLY hoe to do this, but my Google-Fu is a poor as my memory and I can't find it. Anyone done this and care to share ? Anyone remember the article I mentioned ?

    Anyone in the UK want the job ? We would be happy to have a crack ourselves given some instructions, but if someone already does this you could save me the trouble   :-)

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