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Status Updates posted by yaklady

  1. I didn't realize you were so young!

  2. Bacon died a couple of years ago. :o( No, I didn't eat him. Now I have Lardo, Truffles and Al Capork.

  3. Thank you, Josh! It was a happy one. May yours be even nicer.

  4. That will teach you for telling me who you are!

  5. Hey, Michiko, it's me, Kathy! I took you and Sachiko to the restaraunt in Indianapolis. I had a very good time with the two of you. I'm making you my friend, okay?

  6. Clay, you're the greatest!

  7. Maybe Riley will mistake my kitty for a gremlin. Those are rather nasty little creatures, and he would probably like them!

  8. Elktracks, I saw you in my driveway after some bull elk passed through!


  9. Won't you have to change your name next year?

  10. Happy birthday, Ryan! How's the weather up there? A bit cold?

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