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Status Updates posted by cece

  1. I love your work! You are very talented = )

  2. Hey Jason, I talked to Loretta on Monday, she said you are good...what days usually work for you, I'm normally home all the time....

  3. But the layers will never cease to exsist...compassion is something (for most) is bred into us. To many times in my life, I would pray, that it would just be taken away from me. You could do the worst of the worst to me, and I can't seem to turn away from forgiveness (drive me crazy sometimes)...by the way, nice to meet you and welcome aboard. Very respectable people on our site = ) keep in...

  4. Thank you, your comments are always appreciated..= )

  5. Your work is absolutely gorgeous...beautiful! I'm officially a FAN!

  6. Still waiting on that thought Mike!

  7. Thank you, I think I will. Thank you for the welcoming feeling..it's nice, very nice = )

  8. I won't stand back, I want FRONT ROW!!! lol

  9. Thank you so much, I'll give it a shot!! Lets be friends now.

  10. I think, I like you sense of humor...lol..but I don't want to come off to Dorky, I try to keep that side of me in the closet.

  11. Thanks Mike, it's good to be here = )

  12. I FINALLY have a friend!!! Thank you Terrahyd, your the BEST!!

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