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About Jef

  • Birthday 12/21/1954

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  • Interests
    Lots off .

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None at all
  • Interested in learning about
    Carving and forming leather belts and purses

Jef's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/4)

  1. Well, its been a while since my last visit on the site and after "inspecting" al those nice homemade things i dicited to show one ore two of the things I have been making. As i get more pain in my back, riding my motorbike, i made me a decent size belt to give me some support on longer trails. Had to make it out of the leahter i had at the time, so it's in 3 pieces. The color is not the same as it shows on the first 2 pictures. more like picture n°3 And, as there is always time to drink a nice beer ( after all i'm a Belgian!!) made som coasters to put those bottles on. Some with a little help from Tandy, others are "own creations". At this moment making a belt for a Yamaha - biker. Finally got the buckle after 46 days!!
  2. Link to picture The one on the bottom right side is the model i'm looking for. Dit a worldwide search on Ebay but there is no Tandy 2062 pattern pack for sale at this moment. Gawdzilla, please find reply on your posting elswhere on this forum. Thanks to all for the quick response! Jef.
  3. The bottom right one would do the trick for me.
  4. Hello leatherworkers , A friend asked me to make him a leather hat, sort of model that cowboys ware, thus western style. Anybody got an idee how to start on this project ( besides buying the leather, that i'm good at !! ) ?? All help is welcome. Size should be medium (or 58 in european size ) . Jef.
  5. Hello, Conny. Groetjes van uit Belgisch Limburg en welkom hier. Nu de sneeuw hier weg is zal het zeker niet moeilijk meer zijn om dat heuveltje in Zonhoven te nemen . We zullen deze namiddag eens gaan kijken of er nog leer in voorraad is na jullie uitgebreidde "shoppingsessie". Leuk als je maar 10 Km van de leverancier vandaan woont, neen?? Jef, beginnend leerbewerker. "Greetings, and welcome here in Belgian Limburg. Now the snow is gone here will certainly not difficult to take that hill in Zonhoven. This afternoon we will go and see if there's leather in stock after your extensive "shopping session ". Nice if you only 10 Km from the supplier home lives, no? Jef, starting saddler." Translation posted by Denise thanks to Google Translate
  6. Thats the difference between American and European oaks. American oaks have tipped leaves. The leavetips of the European oaks are round. There are some differences in the way the acorns are placed also. European leaves are not half as beautifull when carved on leather than the Americans ( but thats a personel opinion ) Over here we have them both, European by nature and Americans from an import, long, long time ago. ( C. Columbus???? ) European oak (one of many sorts) American oak. ( more sorts of them too.) Sorry for the "bad" English. I'm not used to write it.
  7. That simple ?!?! Thanks for the swift reply. Lokal leathershop is closed cause of a removal to a brand new and bigger location. As such I 'm running out of material but as soon as they reopen ( last of this month ) I will try to make a little bag for my camera. Already making the wooden inside . Jef.
  8. Question: How do you get those aroudings right and on the right place ?? See arrow on picture . Please forgif any bat English. Beeing Belgian i'm not used to write it .
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