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Status Updates posted by Fredo

  1. "Caw" is how the cool kids spell "COW"

  2. A police officer picked up a IWB I made for his personal carry piece A ruger LCP, when he picked it up he said it was "Truly a work of Art" WOW realy? A work of art? I'm feeling pretty good about myself, But I dont know if I'd call it a work of art. More like too much leather for such a small gun.

    1. Spinner


      beauty & art is in the eye of the beholer! Take the compliment and enjoy the high it gives ya. Then get back to work and make some more! ;)

  3. A quick thank you to all that gave input on my belveling issues. Making great improvement because of your help.

  4. bllending green and yellow stains will give you a yellowish green color. Now mixing gree and white gives you LIME GREEN BABY!

  5. Expecting to get home to at least 2 gift certs from tandy, Mom in law always hooks mme up on my b-day!!! yeay at getting old

  6. Going to class tonight. We are at the lacing stage. Oh yeah I'm out of leather so I'm sure the wife will not be happy with the recipts I bring home. Good thing I'm lovable and she cant help but llet me do what I want.

  7. Good on you Spinner. Its a sign of the quality of your workmenship.

  8. Happy 25th anv to my lovely wife.

  9. just want to say that this site is like a free education , I'm sure what I've learned here in 1 month woud cost me thousands at the local Univiersity.

  10. learning the mexican basket weave causes head aches

  11. Looks like Tandy is Santa! He brought me two side of dead caw skin and a Tandy gift card!

  12. nervously waiting on my first ever show. Del mar gun show this weekend

    1. Glock21


      Fredo Where are you going to be set up? and what time does the sow open on saturday?

  13. Proud of the tooling I did on a custom sheath. Embarassed that I made the sheath backwards...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylvia


      :D Learning opportunities. I just learned not to cut 9-10oz leather with $100 dress makers shears. :( Tweaked them pretty badly.

    3. catskin


      Are you sure its backwards and not just left handed?

    4. Fredo


      HA!! you got me, it's now left handed.

  14. Received my copy of Skiver yesterday. Al's How To make Holsters on sale for $8.99 for Gold club Members. Getting my copy at the local tandy afterwork today.

  15. Right on Spinner.!!

  16. Saddle stiching, this changes everything.

  17. Saw this posted on Face Book.Boy writes a letter to God. "Dear God, why do you let bad things happen in our schools?" God replied " Dear Son, I'm not allowed in your schools."

    1. clicker


      thankfull we allow him in our school

  18. Some days you eat thhe bear and some days the bear eats you.

  19. Tried making a seath for my new round knife, cut myself. That thing is sharp!!

  20. unfortunately, the weather is no longer a good enough reason for me to stay here. I gave it 54 yrs. Sorry the rest of my time will be somewhere I can find peace and quiet.

    1. Glock21


      I kind of a gree Fredo the weather is great but CA has some wacky laws that make me not want to live here

    2. Glock21


      I kind of a gree Fredo the weather is great but CA has some wacky laws that make me not want to live here

  21. Went to the cal board of equlazation yesterday. Easy as pie to get my sellers permit to sell leather goods at the upcoming Gun Show. I'm going to try real hhard to NOT embarass the site or it's members LOL.

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