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  • Location
    Cleveland, Ohio
  • Interests
    cooking, music, firearms,

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    holster making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  2. If I was gonna do it I wouldn't inlay it I'd carve and detail it on the holster
  3. I used this dye process on a Bass Strap I'm putting together SEE!!!!!! I didn't like the way the black turned out (maybe I didn't leave it in solution long enough, my leather guru told me the this type of dying does not wear well, what I did do was seal it with Tandy Super Sheen I like it now and I'm sure my brother will too.) This piece of leather was not the greatest but it worked for what I wanted to do with it. Peace Jazz
  4. Your new Rig is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. thanks, I have to replace the wooden handles, so it is on the back burner for now, I'll be looking for more of your projects, keep up the good work!!!!!
  6. it actually looks pretty SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Great Job, I have a machete that I need to make a sheath for, this is great inspiration, job well done!!!!!!!!
  8. type in search "Black and Silver holster" look for "Holster for PT 1911"
  9. I'm not into Western Themed holsters but I know when something is very SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND MAN THIS HOLSTER IS!!! PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK !!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!
  10. I agree with Chris, work on the edges and wear it with pride!!!!
  11. How wonderful for you, I'm sure your granddad is smiling and doing back flips because his gear is being put to good use. I'd like to share some good fortune too...about a month ago I was at the local Tandy shop and a gentleman walked in asking the manager if the shop took in any old tools or if he knew of someone who would use his dads tools because his father had passed away, well like a third grader with the right answer or whos gotta pee my hand shot up in the air and I said me, me, me, me!!!!!! Well we talked and exchanged information and a few weeks later I recieved this: He didn't want anything for the tools and I also recieved some books and patterns for different projects. This stuff was from the 70's!!! well needless to say I have enjoyed using my new tools. Thanks for letting me share Jazz
  12. When I grow up I wanna make holsters like that!!!!! Great Job!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!
  13. this is what the customer wanted, what do y'all think?!!!!!
  14. Also if you are near a Tandy Leather Company ask if they have classes, thats what I did, and it has helped me alot. It is true the the staff are very friendly and helpful. Good Luck!!!
  15. What a great job on your first try, keep up the good work!!!!!
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