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Everything posted by redcell7

  1. i used a 3m spray glue on the leather and sprayed the liner on the gluing side with a industrial spay starch and let it dry then put it on the leather that was spayed with th 3m .....no problems with tackyness plus i used a sealer i spayed on the showing side of liner with my airbrush
  2. thanks jazz ...i still have much more to learn
  3. thanks guys
  4. was some goog practice for me and very time consuming but it will look good on my wall in my little shop and i learned alot
  5. now to sew it all up ...oh joy lol
  6. work on my box a litlle more today ...finally had some time .....now more carving then paint then good ole sewing
  7. thanks ....workin on the rest as we speak
  8. kool idea...im in jefferson parish
  9. now to start on the bottom pieces
  10. started to paint ...background
  11. well startin to paint it today .....bigger job then i thought
  12. thanks people ....its very time consuming but well wort it ....and it does make a kool place to store some of your leather tools...it will only be about 4 inches deep ...i was going to try and rig up shelves ...but decided i will just cut a long strip of leather and put rivet s every couple of inches in a loop that the tools will fit in
  13. i needed to increase my skillset in carving so i am making a 2 foot coffin tool; box that will hang on the wall and will house all my edgers ....its way bigger then the coffins i make now but it will give me great practice as i am learning ...when done it will be all leather and sewn and constructed by hand
  14. i used paintbrushes on the small areas and a airbrush on the fades....let me tell you i have never picked a airbrush up till i got into leatherwork ...and it was not as scary as i thought a little practice and you can be fading colors by thee end od the day....i used spirit dyes cause acylic pigment need to be dilluted down and to get the right consistantcy is a bitch. it kept clogging my tip up ....if you r going to try acylics you can take liquidex airbrush medium ,it is used to cut and thin the colors, so you can make it flow through the tips .....50 /50 cut is a good place to start but you will have to adjust based on brand of paint ....if u use dyes (fiebings my choice) u use it straight out the bottle ....for this project i used mohagony on the very edge then dark brown , then light brown (all fiebings) ...aprayed most of the area with light color then moved outward with each darker color as they mix alittle it blends as a gradient .....like i said this is all new to me so its trial and error but in this paticular case that is how i stumble though and made this item ....so dont take this as a rule ...but a startin point ....hope it helps ....so much info on this site ...just trying to contribute im out!
  15. thanks guys ...its ment to be a music journal for a band member,,,,as for pear shading ...lol i never have used one ...i have a couple ...but unfortunatly ..here near the bayous there r not to many craftmans interested in leather so everything i do is trial and error ...not to many people u can call and say "how do i do this " so i plan on useing it once i hav a understanding of what the tool can do ...but thanks for the ideas and input ...this site is as close to a class is im going to get ......peace
  16. free stock flash image ......m655 m656 m657 craftool
  17. still new to all this ...thanks for all the help ....journal cover for song writing...still have to sew everything together and add the 2 closing straps but almost there
  18. i I have some skill as a illustrator but compared to my friend i dont hold a candle to him ,his skillset is at a level u r just born with . He knows im into leather so if i want something specific ,he draws it and i carve it .....now if i go to sell a piece , what kind of problems will i have ????....he has no problem signing anything that would give me the rights to that image ( if even possible) not really sure were to go on this . i want to protect myself, and friends dont always stay your friend......i know i should do all my work myself , wich is fine .....but i always like to use the best tools at my disposal....and if i can get a better quality image and work it out with the illustator, were its a win, win and hes happy and im happy and the end result the customer is extremly happy....for me thats what it is all about .....any comments????
  19. i recently aquired 3 baron stamps ...all say harley davidson on them ...got them from a pawnshop..in excellent shape ..look brand new ...but i probably cant use them on any item that i would be selling? my knowledge of copyright is not extensive ...but i f i use them on stuff around the house i make for me, i can stamp the item but im not sure, if it is going on something for someone that im selling the item to , thats illegal? right ?wrong ? any ideas ....i dont plan on useing them that much but for the deal i got i could not pass them up and if this has been brought up already , my apologies just post the link and i will go from there ...thanks in advance
  20. love the roll on the ends .....u know a link with a basic tutorial on basic rolled edges ?
  21. love the roll on the ends .....u know a link with a basic tutorial on basic rolled edges ?
  23. trew a costume together ...good thing we got a cold front lol
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