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About chazbot

  • Birthday May 13

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  • Gender
  • Location
    midwest desert
  • Interests

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    random happenstance

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Member (2/4)

  1. Thanks!
  2. Does anyone have any good info on decorative knots for lanyards? Ideally it would be a single or double strand.
  3. Hi there! I have been doing leather work professionally for about 5 years now. I also dabble in other mediums (pencil, ink, bone and horn, jewelry, etc...) but leather work is my favorite. My family and I will be moving across the country soon, from nowhere southern Utah to South Carolina. Just wanted to say hi! Here are the links to my other internet sites where you can view more of my work. http://littlelazydragon.deviantart.com/ http://charlieferrin.daportfolio.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lazy-Dragon-Leather/161623327194705 Thanks for looking!!!
  4. It is made from veg tanned leather, oil dyed, no lining, I asked if she wanted the leather laces but she liked the look of the hemp cord. She sent me her measurements and I just kinda guessed. Thanks!
  5. Here are the pictures of my little sis in her new corset, what do y'all think?
  6. I don't know anyone named Grace Jones, sorry. It was for my little sister's Halloween costume.
  7. Kingman, hot, muggy and everything is pokey and/or poisonous. yeah, I love the desert
  8. Lol, yeah, I know, It would look much better on her than on the table. Unfortunately, she is in another state. It is in the mail now though, should be there around Monday and then I can have better pictures posted. I didn't find your remarks sexist at all, and I love your ID picture, I laugh every time I drive past that billboard down town
  9. Okay, so this is my second attempt at women's wear, i don't have pictures of it being worn yet, but hopefully i can add them soon!
  10. Thanks, but I still can't find them.
  11. Okay, so this is my first attempt at women's wear, I came up with the pattern on my own. I made it from about 6 oz leather. It took me a little over 5 hours to complete. I really don't care much for the breast cups, they are more like shelves that the boobies sit on... Any suggestions?
  12. Hi everyone! I am looking for a good source for a mechanical hook and eye closure called Galoshes hooks. I am not sure if that is what they are regularly referred to as or if that's just what people call them. I do seem to remember them being on my old galoshes though (when I was like 8) Anyway, If any of you have even a push in the right direction for me I would greatly appreciate it!!! Thanks!
  13. welcome to the site

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