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Dubs Chops

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Everything posted by Dubs Chops

  1. =tags&includes[1]=title&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share"]http://www.etsy.com/listing/60779107/multi-wrap-dark-brown-leather-with?ref=sr_gallery_19&ga_search_query=leather+wrap+bracelets&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page&order&includes[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share I am wanting to make a bracelet like this for a friend so I need a good source for some small strips like this. Anyone have some thin straps they would like to sell?
  2. Dude, this thing is wicked sick! what are you using for you coloring?
  3. Just an artist brush with a darker color dye I guess?
  4. Hey guys, I have bought some leather on ebay before but was wondering where you guys would reccomend for me to pick up some small quantities of leather? Also I made a coaster out of some leather that was pretty thick probably 3/16" thick. Can you guys tell me what weight I need to order to get the same?
  5. What is the best tool for cutting leather to cave clean sides that are better for burnishing? I am really new to all this and I just used an exacto knife. it didn't really work very well and I spent alot of time cleaning up the edge.
  6. I am very new to this so please forgive my ignorance. But how did you get the fade from dark to light on the color?
  7. OK well here it is finished up with the rivets in it.
  8. Here it is after a coat of stain and some antiquing. I wish the stain would have let some of the shadows come through but it didn't O well. All that is left is to Burnish the edges and add the rivets.
  9. Thanks very much! I am going to dye this with a tandy oxblood color. Will it still show some of the dark and tighter transitions? or will I have to use something else to get the shadows to come through?
  10. Be gentle on me guys. THis will be my first official piece. I am getting ready to make a cuff but wanted to try staining something before I got to the cuff. All I have done is tooled the skull and outlined the coaster? like, dislikes, and tips are more than appreciated. thanks.,
  11. Can someone point out his article to me? I have searched here and am not finding it. Sorry for the inconvenience
  12. I guess I am really new.I forget to mention I don't even know the process to burnishing. Do I need some kind of wax or oil to apply to it also? and then just rub it franticly on some denim until smooth? I have searched as well and haven't found a good how to yet. Also I could not find the one posted above on this site either? anyone have the link handy?
  13. Hey All, this site is soo great. It is going to be my go to place to find inspirations for projects for sure. I have one question though that I couldn't find a clear answer to while I was googling. I am trying to start out making some leather cuffs for some people. I am trying to find out the cheapest and easiest way to burnish the edges. I don't have alot of money for any machines or power tools to do it right now so looking for manual options that include a little elbow grease and Very little money. Thanks again gang!
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