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Everything posted by Sticky

  1. If copper is no good what about aluminium?
  2. I think we should just ban christmas, that way we wont have to listen to all the crap that gets played at this time of year. BAR FREEKIN HUMBUG:yes:
  3. I tried it and it didn't quite work i'll try it again but i wont wet it as much this time as the the colour bled over the lines. Will post pictures if it works ok
  4. When i was a kid we use to have the van come to our street which sold Lowes pop. When it came round you would here all the other kids in the street shouting "The pop mans here" Ice cream soda was my favourite:)
  5. If you did use copper instead of steel what colour will you get? Cheers Spencer
  6. Is it possible to make any other colours with thing available around the house? (something cheap as i'm skint)
  7. My tandy lace is breaking every 6 inches as well..... £25 for a roll of junk!

  8. I added more wire wool and left it a few more days
  9. Hello everyone Has this been done before? If you had a steel plate which has had a vinyl sticker put on it in the form of a negative image and then you put a piece of vegtan on top that has been soaked in vinegar would the image be transferred to the leather if you left it covered for a day or so? Any ideas anyone Cheers spencer
  10. It's working now, everything is going black:)
  11. Hello If the place you are looking for is J T Batchelor then this is the number for them 02072542962. Could you tell me what you would take for the offcuts you have? Cheers Spencer
  12. The stuff i put in the other jar went cherry red. And none of it turns the leather black anymore just a blue gray colour:wtf: Cheers Spencer
  13. Hello everyone Is it normal for vinegaroon to keep changing colours? I made some up and it keeps going from clear to brown. I put some of the clear liquid into another jar it then went brown also. when the liquid is clear it turns the leather a darker colour than when it's brown. Anyone got any ideas? Cheer Spencer
  14. Thanks for the info will check them out. Cheers Spencer
  15. Hello everyone. Can anyone tell me where i cen get smaller amounts/pieces of leather in the uk that don't cost a fortune? I'm not bothered about the finish of the leather as it's going to be used fo making a tool roll for a bike, 8/10 ounce should be ok. Any help will be much appreciated. Cheers Spencer
  16. I'm too old to grow up!

  17. Sticky


    Hello from a wet South Wales. I'm new to leather working so i thought i'd join a forum that specialised in leather, and out of all the ones i've seen on the web this one seems to be the best. So just to say hello agian and when i can i'll try and put a picture of something i've made on here. Cheers Sticky
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