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    Lake Butler, Fl

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, Belts

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  1. I can tell you exactly how Sam finishes his belts. First, he gets his suede from Hide House in Napa California. It is 4-5 ounce chap split. He then glues it to the belt with Barge cement overlapping the belt edges with the suede. When dry, he uses a exacto knife to trim the suede from the leather around the edges. After sewing, to get the bevel on both the leather and sued side of the belt, he uses a #5 Osborne edge beveler. He slicks the edges with water only, then finishes his edges with a concoction of fiebings and angelus brown edge coating. Well, there you go! Hope that helps. I have spent wayyyyyy too many hours in Sams shop
  2. Your probably correct. Not too many cowboys wearing stingray in the 1800's. However it was available and the technology to tan them did as well. I used a Cowboy 3500 from Bob at Toledo sewing.
  3. Yes, it was spliced in the middle of the back. It is not very noticeable at all. I sanded the overlapping piece down to a very thin edge so the married together perfect. The other two splices are located under the billet ends so its not noticeable.
  4. Well, building the rig for myself has paid off. Just got an order for a rig just like it with matching shotgun belt, 2 knife sheaths, and cowboy cuffs. In addition to a spinal stingray dress belt to boot. Looking like alot more dremel work in my future. Thanks for the compliments.
  5. Yes sir. Alot of dremel work to say the least.
  6. 346 bonded nylon and #26 needle
  7. Have wanted to make this rig for myself for a long time. I finally got around to it just before Christmas. I shoot cowboy action and getting to wear and model my own leather has brought me the most bang for my buck when it comes to advertisement. This one has turned a few heads. Tell me whar you think.
  8. Havent posted in a really long time. Been very busy with this leather stuff. I primarily build cowboy leather for the cowboy action shooters but on occasion I dabble in concealment. Finally got around to building the stingray holster for my Dad's Glock 19 for Christmas. He's been asking for two years. Also finally got around to making a hornback crocodile holster for my Sig 938. Tell me what you think. Thanks, John Sapp JSCustomleather.com
  9. Post says it all. I'm looking for a source for violet ( purple ) spinal stingray. My regular suppliers of stingray only have the normal black, green, burgundy in spinal. I know I ran across it once on the web when I wasn't looking for it. Now I can't find it.
  10. I'm in need of a mold for a 5.5" old model vaquero or its equivelant. Checked Duncans and have sent an email to Rob here on the wire but I'm impatient. Any ideas? Thanks, John
  11. Cut that booger with serrated tin snips. Cuts like butter and you can be very precise. Sand the edges with a belt sander or dremel but as already stated, avoid the dust. Good luck!
  12. I have several different chap patterns from Tandy and from Dusty Johnson. There are 3 different style patterns on one large pattern sheet. How in the world do I transfer these patterns to cardboard or the like without having to buy the patterns 3 times to get use of all 3 patterns.
  13. Sorry, shouls have checked before I posted. Here's the link. http://riteonscrew.com/allproducts.html
  14. Try ritescrew.com for your screws. Only $5 minimum and they will ship vis USPS priority. They also sent samples of some screws I had asked about.
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