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steve mason

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Posts posted by steve mason

  1. HAHAHAHA!!!!


    Sell my pearson for a 1000 bucks,,, :youwish: trade it in for a chi-comm machince,,, hell no, not a chance :evillaugh: . This machine is awesome, a pearson stitches better than any chi-comm machine could on her worst day. I wouldn't give my brothers left testie for this machine. :devil:

    I just felt the need to do a little april fools prank, I did get a couple phone calls from couple guys who know me well enough and saw right through my joke, but I did get a few of you to bite on my prank, hope you take it in the humor that I posted it with.

    I had a good laugh hope you did to.


  2. HAHAHAHA!!!!


    Sell my pearson for a 1000 bucks,,, :youwish: trade it in for a chi-comm machince,,, hell no, not a chance :evillaugh: . This machine is awesome, a pearson stitches better than any chi-comm machine could on her worst day. I wouldn't give my brothers left testie for this machine. :devil:

    I just felt the need to do a little april fools prank, I did get a couple phone calls from couple guys who know me well enough and saw right through my joke, but I did get a few of you to bite on my prank, hope you take it in the humor that I posted it with.

    I had a good laugh hope you did to.


  3. ralides plastic trees are JUNK, so I would assume so are their wood trees, save yourself a bunch of money, time and aggravation in the longrun and spend some more money and buy a top quality tree. good trees will make the job of building a saddle much easier and you will end up with a much better end product.


  4. Howdy;

    I have a peason sewing machine for sale, includes spare shuttle, bobbins and needles. the machine is not on a stand or treadle, bobbin winder included.

    To be honest I have not been able to get this machine to stitch well, I know many that can get them to stitch well but I am not one of them, so if you are mechanically inclined this is the manchine for you.

    $1000 in Canadian funds OBO

    PM me if you are interested.




  5. I am frustrated as hell, I have had this pearson sewing machine for a few years now, and I can't make it stitch well. I have tried everything and talked with every pearson machine expert I can think of. I know that the pearsons are some of the most complicated machines ever made, there is just to many things to adjust and way to many moving parts on this machine for me to figure out. So I think I will have to sell this machine and get one of these new Chi-comm machines.

    Thanks for letting me vent, I will have the pearson listed on the for sale page soon, it will be cheap because it don't sew well.


  6. Howdy; here are a few photos of the knifes that I use, I am pretty knife poor, I think I should get some more, no I need more!!

    Swivel kinfes, left to right

    -ellis barnes barrel with henley blade

    -chuck smith "ol smoothie" with henley blade, ( I would say the henley blades are the very best blade made but they are the best blades I have ever used)

    -don king barrel and blade

    -old craftool with ceramic beader blade

    -don king stainless barrel with a barry king beader blade


    round kinfes, left to right

    top row

    -bill buchman knife, I have had this knife for years and it has been a great knife

    -Bob Dozier knife, I have not had it for long but it may turn into my favorite knife

    -LBL knife, this is a good knife that was John Kings (my first saddle mentour) so it has sentimenal value

    -W. Rose Knife, good steel

    bottom row L to R

    -old osborne knife, this was my first round knife given to me from my grandfather, it has been a great knife over the years, it's kind of retired for now

    -weinland knife, he took over LBL knifes, I don't think he is still making kinfe, to bad they were good

    -danny marlin knife, this knife is just for skiving, which it does an awesome job at, but the edge does not hold up worth a damn when cutting on butcher board

    -old gomph, i also use this knife to skive


    straight knifes L to R

    -weinland knife, been a good knife

    -henckels paring kinfe, this is one of my favorite straight knifes, I like the price also

    -I got the blade from lee valley, made the handle from a 2X2, not very fancy but an awsome straight knife

    -lee valley knife, has a bevel on one side only, suppised to cut one direction better, but I find it kinda sucks in both directions

    -bill buchman knife, he said it was for bleeding strings, I use it for that and for every thing else I can think of, it's one of my favorites

    -bob jolly knife, I have had this knife for years, I decided long ago that I did not like this knife, but I started using it again and I love this knife.

    -this last knife is a my utility knife, I just it for cutting boxs, and cutting rough stuff etc, this is my version of a razor knife.





  7. Can you guys hear yourselves?

    Whatever happened to 'live and let live'?

    I can't believe some of the comments on this thread. I think Noah has been treated very rudely by some of the members here. I can't believe how harsh and judgemental some of you can be. Frankly it's open abuse of Noah and his partner. Who are you to judge relationships and to comment on someone's personal beliefs? I doubt you'd take the same abuse about yours quietly.

    Kevin Johnson, Steve Mason and TKleather1.... You owe Noah and his partner an apology.

    I joined this board because of the spirit of friendship and brother/sisterhood and the spirit of sharing I saw here.

    This is very disappointing. I'm surprised and shocked by the outpouring of venom here.

    An apology is in order.


    Karl, my post was in reply to a quote from Johanna about PETA, not from something that Noah said. "I could go on for hours with stories of PETA" Johanna

    PS: I changed my mind, I don't want to use the PETA founders hide for an inliad seat on my saddle, I want my hide to be tanned so I can be used as a padded seat on a barrel racers saddle so that I can be between the two things I like best, good lookin wimmin and good horse flesh!!! :devil:

  8. Howdy BondoBob..........not Elton here but, I am going to disagree a little bit with a couple of your suggestions. The outside stirrup leather / half double arrangement is very common on cowboy rigs, and does not pinch at all if done correctly. I have ridden them for many years, and I build a high % of them. Secondly, on the breast collar / martingale Ds........there are up high under the front buttons for a purpose........that is where they need to be. If a person is using a steer tripping type collar, then the lower position would be fine. There is no strength problem with the higher placement, as I am sure that Elton has the strings running through them, and/or has them screwed down to the tree.

    Everyone sure does things differently, just my take on it.

    Respectfully, JW

    Howdy Bob;

    first off what I am about to say is "what works for me", I have in the past reccomended to Elton that he does not sew or rivet his Martingale dees to the rigs, my reason for this is that this is a spot on a saddle that I don't want to strong, the way Elton has attached the Mart Dees will be strong enough to hold up to hard use cowboying, but if a bad wreck happens Like someone screws up and drops the cinchs before the breast collar is undone, the mart dees will tear out instead of the whole saddle getting destroyed under the horse, then only a small repair is needed as you just have to replace the mart Dee tab not potentially the whole rigging.

    I feel there are some things in horse gear that need to be made so that they have a weak spot to save the saddle, the horse or the rider in a wreck, things like mart Dees, rope straps, (they should be strong enough to be used somewhat as a nightlatch but they will break if your rope gets hung up as your loping through the brush), the front strap on chaps,( so if you get hung up over the horn the strap will break), and on of the most common "to strong" things I see in horse gear is bridles made of way to thick of leather, for the sake of your horses mouth make a bridle that will bust under stress, nylon bridles should be outlawed, I would rather have an easy bridle repair than have damage to my horses mouth that I have spent years trying to make soft.

    My two cents.

  9. There sure seems to be a lot of the McDonalds versus Burger King war going on here between the sewing machine companys. I am not sure yet if I am entertained or annoyed by all the crap that is going on. I might have to have to buy a Ferdco because they have not entered in the fight yet. Buy the way I ate at McDonalds last night but I wish I ate at Wendy's.


  10. Howdy JW;

    I use medical scissors, the type they use in the emerg room to cut your boot off, my doctor gave them to me about 15 years ago, he told me that they could cut a penny in half, for the first few years I had them I would cut any penny in half that I could. Maybe if I didn't cut all that money up I could afford a pair of clippers cause they sure cost a fair chunk of change.


  11. fool you say, I love being a fool.

    Here are a few more quotes from my foolish shop to your foolish shop.

    "it takes a lot of pancakes to fill a barn"

    "it takes a mighty big chicken to pull a cultivator"

    and my favorite foolish tip of all time

    "never, I mean never play leapfrog with a unicorn"


  12. use whatever you want! finger's will grow back. just remember " a man who will rent a pig will stop at nothing." Greg

    :You_Rock_Emoticon: gummy that's the best laugh I've had all day, gotta like Gus.

    that reminds of a favorite quote of my wifes

    "Never try to teach a pig to sing:

    it just frustrates you and annoys the pig" :devil:

  13. "the most insulting statement ever" WOW, not sure what you read between the lines but that is not what I meant. I have read and reread my post and I can't see where I made such an insulting statement. I never said any such that thing that I was better than anyone here because I use a round knife and they don't. What I said was that a round knife is made to cut leather and a utility knife is not designed to cut leather, they will and do break, I don't believe that they are a safe tool to use. You can go ahead and use whatever tool you like, on my bench there is and never will be a utility knife. I will not appologize as I feel I did no wrong. I stand by may statement.

    I do not use a round knife because it is traditional, I use one because it is what works best for me, if it does not work for you then don't use one. A quote from a great saddle maker whom I respect very much is "you can use the broad side of an axe if it gets the job done" Round knifes gets the job done for me.

    ps; this is a good discussion, it's good to get heated up a little once in a while.



    I have looked at your website and seen the beautiful stuff you make and respect your work enormously. You are obviously a very skilled craftsman; that notwithstanding, I still think this is the most insulting statement I have ever seen on this forum. How can you even suggest that the people who work so hard to make the wonderful, exciting things we see on a daily basis here aren't as good as you just because they don't use a round knife to cut their leather?

    I am absolutely astounded. ...and Randy, your comment wasn't much better.


  14. I use traditional tools to cut leather,a sharp round knife, there is a reason saddle makers have been using round knifes for over a 100 years, it is because it is the best tool for the job of cutting leather. I make chaps with fringe up to 10" long and about 1/8"wide. All I use is a sharp round knife and a straight edge. this will make very nice knife fringe and will save you money on bandaids. Any type of razor blade are flimsy and may break bend etc and cut you. Razor knifes are for cutting open cardboard they have no other place in a quality leather makers shop. You will be a much better leather worker in the long run if you learn to use the right tools for the right job at the time.

    I am jumping off my soapbox now.


  15. Howdy;

    I have had good luck with the lacemaster, it seems to cut string very well and puts a good bevle on it. I have made both giant austrailian field mouse (kangaroo) and rawhide lace.

    I am very happy with the lacemaster but I still wonder if the neubert cutter might be a little better.

    I think the neubert string cutter is the best of the hanson style cutters. I would reccomend either the lacemaster or the neubert.



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