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  • Gender
  • Location
    Eastern Sierra
  • Interests
    blacksmithing, bladesmithing, leatherwork, reading, writing, and wildlife photography.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    knife sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    Frontier style knife sheaths
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  1. Not for sale. Posted in wrong forum.
  2. Thanks, I think I might have put this in the wrong forum. Probably should have been in holsters or show off, but what the heck. The one on the left actually came out very different than I expected. I'm glad you like it. I find that I can't tell leather what to do...I can only make suggestions. The leather seems to make the final decision.
  3. Thanks to Particle and his video's I was able to finish two Pancake style holsters for the Ruger LCP. I am experimenting with aging my work. Guapo
  4. You should contact the US Fish and Wildlife Service. You can google them. They are the agency who enforces CITES.
  5. It's been my experience that it is more sticky than beeswax alone. I read somewhere, (now I can't find the source), that it has a natural anti-fungal agent. It also has glue properties and is used as a sealant. If we get lucky Chuck Burrows will jump in here and give us the down low. -Guapo
  6. Pitch and Wax resource; Jas. Townsend & Son Inc.; www.jas-townsend.com. beeswax was=$10/lb. pitch was=$14.00/lb. Guapo
  7. Merry Christmas!!! Sylvia, I buy the pine pitch, however Chuck says he likes to harvest his own. I might someday when I have more energy. I bought a 1 pound block that will most likely last me forever. Chavez, I just shave off what I need into a small metal pot and cook it over a camp stove outside. They melt together and I pour the cocktail into little, empty, plastic, yougurt containers. Makes a block just the right size for me. No problem with flame ups. The fire never touches the pitch. It just gets the pot warm enough to melt the contents. You could use a double boiler if you have concerns. Guapo
  8. I make my own wax with about 60% beeswax and 40% pine pitch. A formula I learned from Chuck Burrows. It works well. I only wax the string I'm using for the project at hand. Guapo
  9. Thanks, I have to disagree with you...that's a good looking holster. Muy guapo. Guapo
  10. Morning Tony, I don't see the pattern, maybe it's just me. My dept uses Glocks and has for many years. I hated to switch over from my mdl 19 Smith but have come to love my Glock. I'm just geting into holster making. I would like to see your pattern. Guapo
  11. Thanks Denster, I'm going to try it. -Guapo
  12. Beautiful work. I had to look hard to find the stain. Your Mom will love it! Don't say word about the stain. Consider it antiqued. Guapo
  13. Hi Shelly, What do you use for a humidifier? Thanks, Guapo
  14. "It just takes a lot of messin with to find the right feel with rawhide." That's a mouthful alright. I fell out of love with rawhide a long time ago but when you get it cased just right it works. Sounds too simple but that's about it. -Guapo p.s. I guess I should add that I case my strings by putting them in a bathroom towel that has been wet and rung out. I let them set until cased and then unplug the phone and go to work. I once called an old time braider in Idaho and he said, "You'll have to talk to my wife, my strings are drying out." So I did. She was a wealth of information after living with him for about 50 years.
  15. Thanks again Chuck. Art/Guapo
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