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Everything posted by CharletSumtyms

  1. Thanks for this list =)! I'm a newbie as well and any reading material on leather working is greatly appreciated <3!
  2. awesome!
  3. Wow I love this and gorgeous colors 2!
  4. CharletSumtyms


    Pictures to document my progress in LW.
  5. From the album: Stuff

    Tooled Owl Key chain, Barrette, and Earrings.

    © © leatherworker.net

  6. Got some leather scraps in the mail today to play with :o)!

  7. Awesome! I would love to have some boots like this!
  8. From the album: Stuff

    Cracked open my kit today and got it all set up for my first tooling project!

    © © leatherworker.net

  9. Beautiful!
  10. Yes I did... Thank you !!!
  11. Thanks for the welcome :)!

  12. Just thought I'd say hey! I'm a new member that also lives in GA. I'm in Atlanta, but my Grandpa lives in Tifton. Happy leather working!

  13. Just thought I'd say hello! I'm a new member, and also live in GA!

  14. Watched the dvd that came with my leather kit last night. Understanding a little more about tooling and lacing now.

  15. Wow! That looks awesome!
  16. Thank you !
  17. Thanks!
  18. Hello everyone ! I'm very new to leather working, and super excited to find a site like this! I've dabbled in many different arts and crafts so this year I decided to make handmade items for xmas presents. I had no idea what to make my bf's sister's bf. Then she told me he needs a quiver (I posted some pics in my gallery, in case you'd like to see). So....I thought yes!!! This is the perfect time to give leather craft a try. Now I'm hooked and I can't wait for my next project. This looks like a great place to learn, and meet LW's! Hope we get to chat soon, and I look forward to seeing all the things you're making...
  19. From the album: Profile pictures

    © © leatherworker.net

  20. From the album: First project!

    Here is a view of the back.

    © © leatherworker.net

  21. From the album: First project!

    This is the first thing I have made with leather. It's a quiver... Not pro, and I don't know that much about leather crafting yet, but I'm proud of it. I ordered some books and my bf got me a tooling kit, so I hope to post more finished projects soon .

    © © leatherworker.net

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