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  • Gender
  • Location
    eastern Montana

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Sheridan style carving, but I'm not all that special at it
  • Interested in learning about
    Sheridan style carvings, saddle making, plaiting whips/ropes

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  1. I do agree with your assessment on the rigging. My mentor is under the idea that all the rigging hardware should be below the skirting. I disagree with this theory, but it was easier to appease, especially being a newbie to the trade. The next saddles I make will definitely have a different rigging design. It makes the flow lines so much better. Thanks. Aj
  2. This is my very first saddle, so I would like to thank Butch Roberts for allowing me the use of his basement and many of his tools. It is a 16" Cliff Wade, 7/8 rigging with 3.5" post horn. The most difficult part for me was sewing the cantle bind with equal spacing. I started on the left and made a few mistakes, but found an easier way and it went considerably better on the right. Also, the left ear on the seat was a little off. The appropriate measurement would have been 3/4" up and 1/8" over. Instead I went 1/4" over and it proved to be too much. Saddler Lon Davis mentioned extending the front skirting further forward to make a more appealing eye flow, which I agree with. Any other critiques, suggestions, or opinions? Also, the mule hide was not yet on the horn when the pictures were taken, but it did eventually find its way up there. The pictures aren't the best, but I was about 4 months late on the completion, so I wanted to get it to him as fast as possible. AJ
  3. Still needs some lacing and a buckle strap
  4. docdomek

    1st Sheridan carvings

    These are my first carvings I've ever done so they are just on some remnants I bought from Youngs Western Wear in Valentine, NE
  5. Jim Linnell is going to be teaching a class at Miles City Saddlery on May 14 and 15. If you want more info, send me a message. Should be a great couple of days.

  6. I've redone quite a bit of it with the suggestions you all had. I noticed on my original that one of the vines didn't flow very well, so I tried to fix that, as well as replacing a few things to try and keep a more unified vine and leaf scheme.
  7. Thanks for such an in-depth look. I can see what your talking about. The bottom left corner is a designated area to stamp initials, but the others are definitely noticeable after you point it out. I'll try and work on it. Thanks!
  8. You're right, guess I didn't really notice that. I'll pencil around and put in a stem, shouldn't be too hard to convert it. Thanks for the input.
  9. I plan on using this as the front of a padfolio. I was hoping you all could critique it and tell me what you like or don't like. Thanks for all the input.
  10. I'm with Tiller. New to the art and haven't been able to get any of my carvings to turn out with that type finish. Any tips?
  11. Well done. How and what did you finish it with?
  12. What finish did you use on these? They're very nicely done.
  13. This was quite helpful. Thanks for all the advice. Nothing worse than spending all the time on your project to have it look terrible due to poor finishing. I'll give these a try.
  14. Having a heck of a time getting my other pics to upload. Should be about 7 more, but maybe later
  15. Would you mind sending me that pattern along with the carving template? It's really wonderfully done and I really like the corner designs. Much appreciated. --Aj
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