This is my very first saddle, so I would like to thank Butch Roberts for allowing me the use of his basement and many of his tools. It is a 16" Cliff Wade, 7/8 rigging with 3.5" post horn. The most difficult part for me was sewing the cantle bind with equal spacing. I started on the left and made a few mistakes, but found an easier way and it went considerably better on the right. Also, the left ear on the seat was a little off. The appropriate measurement would have been 3/4" up and 1/8" over. Instead I went 1/4" over and it proved to be too much. Saddler Lon Davis mentioned extending the front skirting further forward to make a more appealing eye flow, which I agree with. Any other critiques, suggestions, or opinions? Also, the mule hide was not yet on the horn when the pictures were taken, but it did eventually find its way up there. The pictures aren't the best, but I was about 4 months late on the completion, so I wanted to get it to him as fast as possible.