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  1. Wow...that's so beautiful! I would be happy to be 10th as good. What stamp was used on the wallet? Again, very beautiful work!
  2. Thank you so much. That's so nice of you. That's a great idea. I think I am going to try that. Thank you again! Jesse
  3. Thank you...I appreciate that. I will stop by Tandy and look at those books too. Thank you again.
  4. Hi, I am very new to leatherworking, and until now I have been only making simple belts and small things. I would like to make a purse for my wife in which she can carry her iPad. Does anyone have a pattern for such a bag that you are willing to share or sell, or does anyone know where I can find such a pattern. Thank you so much for your help in advance. Regards, Jesse
  5. Hi Bob, Thank you so much for your response. I am not that far from Sheridan, and so I am going to try and make it to the show so I can take a few classes. I have bought a few dvds and I am slowly learning some very basic things. I like this forum where there are so many talented people sharing their work and ideas. There is a Tandy store close by and I should check into the classes they might have too. Thank you so much for the information. Jesse Hi Aaron, Thank for the response. I am not sure if he is my area but I will look that up. Thank you again! Jesse
  6. Hi All, I am very new to leather working, and have just started with some very basic things (making simple belts, etc). Are there any classes in leather working for beginners in or around Utah? Thank you so much. Jesse
  7. Wow...that's really good. The color looks very rich and beautiful. What stamps did you use for the barbed wire?
  8. Thank you all so much for your responses. In a hurry (impatience), I think I am going to use the clamps or get a jawhorse and use that now. Thank you again very much.
  9. Hi, I am completely green at leather working, but I do want to hand stitch a bag for my wife's ipad. I am looking for a stitching horse, but don't know where to find one. I saw one on ebay but it was already sold. If anyone knows where I can find one like this one (Stitchng Horse Picture), I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for your help in advance. Regards, Jesse
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