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  • Gender
  • Location
    Marbella, Malaga, Spain
  • Interests
    Leather crafting, Woodturning, writting and recording music, bagpipe playing, whistles, irish flute, poetry...

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Tooling leather
  • Interested in learning about
    Sheridan style tooling, Belt making, etc
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  1. Hi everyone. I'd like to know your opinion on what type of thread and thickness, as well as needle size to get a realy nice machine sewing stitching on a belt edge. I love the one in the picture made by a Cowboy sewing machine or an Adler 205-370. Thank you all. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EoDm2q4r8L1uVMlTMY16W4AStMCHxVXe/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EoDm2q4r8L1uVMlTMY16W4AStMCHxVXe/view?usp=sharing belt.bmp
  2. An unique collector's book as new from the first edition in 1951. Very large oblong hardback bound at the top by 4 screws (screws not visible from the outside of the book), gilt & white titling and illustration. Book measures approximately 12 5/8 x 24 3/8" x 12 5/8" tall. Numerous drawings, patterns, designs, close-up photos, alphabets, illustrated embellishments, etc. etc. throughout. Most pages are fold-outs. RWR5 Leather Work Projects Carving Finishing Tools Techniques Clothing Leatherwork Handwork Handcrafted Design Industrial Arts Crafts. Book Condition: Like New / It shows light scuffing and scratching to the covers product of the aging process. Not a library copy, not remaindered, unmarked. Please, offers starting from $400. Best offer wins the book. Send a message to: salvimac@gmail.com From January, 1st the book will go to auction on Ebay with a reserve price. Payement by Paypal or bank transfer. Kind regards
  3. Just to let you all know that last week I received at home the first three DVDs from Eric A. Myall's 8 DVD collection: #1 Introduction to the trade -- 18th./19th. Century Belt #2 Making a Hunting Bag #3 Making a Knife Sheath I would like to say that this footage is absolutely brilliant. These DVDs are not only tutorials but an incredible opportunity to watch a real leather artisan manipulating with full confidence straps of leather on his work bench. Eric is a master craftsman taught in England so this can be considered an historic document on the genuine way to work on leather. All contents are explained in full detail. Eric affords every problem of cutting, scrapping, molding, fixing, sewing with imaginative solutions and a different perspective I hadn't seen in any other DVDs before. I think that this way of leather working can only be seen in a real workshop. This is a real leather craftsman working on the traditional way, the original way. The confidence, speed and efficiency with which Eric worked the leather is a sight to be seen. These DVDs lacks of any artificiality. This is a real way to work with leather that astonished myself. In my modest opinion these recordings are simply brilliant. Definitely a must have. If anyone is interested on purchasing this collection here is the contact info: http://thewilliamsburgsaddler.weebly.com/buy-dvds.html or contacting Eric. A. Myall's daughter, Zena at zegirlsdolls@cox.net
  4. Warning to all tustable members of this forum!! «««This guy is a cheater. I paid him 60$ bucks for a set of DVDs early June and never recived it. He doesn't answer to my requests of sending me the scan of a stamped receipt of the USPS shipment»»»
  5. Warning to all tustable members of this forum!! «««This guy is a cheater. I paid him 60$ bucks for a set of DVDs early June and never recived it. He doesn't answer to my requests of sending me the scan of a stamped receipt of the USPS shipment»»»
  6. Dear sir, I'm writting you this email just to warn that I have recently cheated by the user called chazdillon He request the users to contact him by email I think to avoid any tarce on the forums where he sells his footage. At the begining of June I payed him by Paypal a set of DVDs he posted for sale on this forum and the only thing I have received from him, has been a bunch of excuses and lies. Some days ago he stoped from replying any of my polite emails just when I requested him to send me a stamped scan of the USPS receipt. As I don't want to create any alarm on this great website, I have prefered to contact you. I'd like you to block and ban this user from the forums but I understand that this is something you must evaluate so if you need evidences about this case, I can send you copy of my mailing with him as well as the paypal receipt. You can see my profile. I am a trusted user on this forums and I'd like to avoid problems to other users. Thank you very much Salvi Name: Salvi Caracuel UserName: salvi IP Address: Email Address: macsalvi@gmail.com
  7. I'd like to get deeply into motorbike seat making but I can not attend any workshop as I live in Spain. Does anyone know where to learn all these beautiful basket weaving techniques? I mean DVD, books, internet resource, etc. Thank you
  8. Bill, thank you very much for taking time to leave a so interesting and professional reply about how to case properly a strap of leather as well as related to the use of swivel knife. After watching my Jeremiah Watt's or Chan Geer DVDs I'm serously thinking that veg tan leather from US is different from Spanish one because the burnished imprints came out very easily while on the Spanish leather is quite impossible. Don't you think that US leather used for saddlery has a kind of polishing wax that made these imprints come out with certain ease? Anyway I'll try to follow your instructions on casing leather in order to find out if spanish leather reacts in the same way after this casing proccess. About Swivel Knife I think the only blade I have 1/4 is too thin for most flower designs so the result can not be as good as I pretend. Same thing is happening to me with beveling because I have only a beveler that is very appropriate for borders but not for vines or for parts inside the design wich need a more thin bevel. I'm attaching a picture of my current tooling level. It can be seen two different styles: Spanish on the left side and Sheridan on the right. Thanks again for all your help.
  9. Hi all, I'd like to stitch as David Theobald do with motorbike seats. I think the name of this technique is 'Basketing'. Here is a link to David's Gallery. Does anyone know if there is a book or better a DVD where to learn this type of different combinations of stitching for seats? Thank you.
  10. I appreciate very much your advice and as a result of that is the next picture. Two months and a half later I think I am in the way of improving my tooling technique... but it is difficult... practice will make perfect. The size of this project is A4, the left side flowers have been tooled according to Spanish Style while the other ones on the right have been pretended to be Sheridan... The finish consisted of Neatstfoot Oil, Eco-Flo Satin Sheene (not good for this purpose, it becomes sticky with the paste), Fiebings antique finish paste Sheridan and finally Fiebings Bag Kote.
  11. This is the tooling practice of a great Clock face design by King X Custom (thanx mastercraftman!). I started tooling in early March of this year. Please criticise my work. 1st. Carving 2nd. Beveling 3rd. Thumprinting and decoration 4th. More deco and neastfoot oiling Waiting for finishing with antique paste and a sealer.
  12. Wonderful job! Congratulations.
  13. It looks fantastic... I think it must be very difficult to afford to make a saddle. Just a little tooling and you'll get a genuine art work.
  14. Hi Tina, this is the most wonderful thing I've ever seen.
  15. Hello! This is a beginner talking to another beginner. Let me tell you that I started tooling just two months ago but I must say that I have learnt some precious lessons. Buy good books on the style you want to learn or improve (sheridan, pictorial, western, etc). Try to get some craftaids that are very useful when fast tooling is needed and buy some essentian DVDs from Chan Geer and Jeremiah Watt because they're a must have. Anyway I must say that the main lesson I have learnt is that you must change your mind and forget to buy all that I call 'toys', I mean that you must start buying high quality stamps and cutting tools from the begining or you'll get discouraged soon.
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