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Everything posted by Tyree904

  1. Glock 17 and Sig P229 Are stil available. You all were phenominal to deal with! One of the smoothest transactions I've had. Thank you. Respectfully, Terry Reist Glock 17 also fits 22, 31 Available Glock 19 23,32 Sold Glock 20 21 Sold Glock 26 27,33 Sold XD-40 Sold M&P 40 Sold Sig P228 Sold Sig P229 Available 1911 Commander Sold Ruger LCP Sold S&W .38 special 4" barrel Sold S&W .38 special 2" barrel Sold
  2. Thank you to all , two blue guns left. Terry
  3. Hi Scott, The blue guns you listed are still available. Terry
  4. All of the magazines are sold. You guys are awesome. They will ship Tuesday morning. Please just confirm to my email address were you would like them shipped. The blue guns are still available with the exception of the Glock 26 ( pending receipt of funds). Gratefully, Terry
  5. Emails have been answered. Thank you.
  6. Blue guns for sale All in new condition. Very light use. Guns are $35 ea shipped. Magazines are $15 shipped for single units, $12 shipped for mulitple units Please respond to this email address: Email me Glock 17 also fits 22, 31 Glock 19 23,32 Glock 20 21 Glock 26 27,33 XD-40 M&P 40 Sig P228 Sig P229 1911 Commander Ruger LCP S&W .38 special 4" barrel S&W .38 special 2" barrel Magazines: Glock 17,19,20,26 M&P 40 XD-9 SIG P228, P229 1911, 1911 commander 1911 micro
  7. The Techsew GA5-1 is SOLD
  8. Hi Ray, Sorry it took so long to reply, been busy getting ready for the move and forgot to check back. I live in California Near Fresno and I travel to the Bay area 10 seperate days throughout the month. The shipping cost about 1 year ago was not more than $200 and that was almost across the US. Sending a PM as well. Terry
  9. The Techsew GA5-1 is a heavy material sewing machine for use in medium to heavy sewing projects. I have added acouple of important features such as a variable speed servo motor & speed reducer, I used the Techsew GA5-1 as a heavy leather stitcher. The GA5-1 is the ideal machine for horse tack and leatherwork projects such as harnesses, horse blankets, halters, bridles and more. Additionally, it is capable of sewing a variety of materials such as vinyl, canvas, synthetics, heavy webbing and more. It is one year old and is in near new condition and has many, many years of service left. It also comes with: a thread stand and 4 spools of threaad as pictured, two spoo;s of #69 and two spoo;s of #277, an adjustable straight edge attachment, assorted needles, extra bobbins, sewing table. Free Delivery within 100 miles. (559) two eight seven- 8601. Moving out of state. Asking $1200 for all of it. I will pay first $200 shipping cost. Specifications: •Needle sizes: #23 to #27 •Thread sizes: #69 to #350 •Foot clearance: 1/2" •Maximum stitch length: 7mm •Cylinder bed length: 10.5"
  10. Brenda at Laser Gift Creations is phenominal. I had a difficult design to work with. Several other companies took a look and declined. She helped modify the design as well so it would work. She really went the extra mile to make my design work and it does look terrific. She didn't charge me an arm and a leg to do it either. I can't say enough good things about her work and her desire to please her customers. Terry
  11. Nice maple leaf Wishful. really nice. I hope I can get the same results when I start tooling.
  12. I have two differnet Inside the waistband (IWB) and 2 outside the waistband (OWB) holsters I am actually happy with. While they are not perfect yet I like how they turned out. I will post the next two in a reply to thread to keep the file size down.
  13. I was unable to convince a friend of mine that he didn't want a closed bottm on his holster. The holster is finished but it puckered at the bottom. I have begun a second one, this time I am extending the leather about a 1/4 inche on the bottom to add another row of stitching. Will this be enough to correct the problem or do I need to add leather in just the puckered area. Hopefully the pics com through. Thanks, Terry Here is a possible remedy
  14. Big O, Thanks a bunch that is a great help. Terry
  15. Hy guys, Any holster guys or galls mind sharing your list of top 20 ( or whatever) blue guns to order? And if posssible could you prioritize your list from most popular to least? Or possibly in tiers. Example : Tier 1 : glock 17,21, glock , ,, S&W MP 9m. 40cal. (must have) Tier 2: CZ p01, p07, p07c Browning ....., H&K .... (should have) Tier 3: Para..... (nice to have) Please post in any format you choose. I just really dont know what to get after the ubicquitous glocks. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Terry
  16. I have been trying different materials between 1" plywood sheets in my molding press, ( 8 C clamps). Would you guys be willing to share any successes or failures with the material you are/ have used. My last use was 4 layers of 1/2" sleeping pad foam from Big5 sporting goods. The result was ok but the material quickly degrades with subsiquent / repeated use. Thank you, TR
  17. Tyree904

    Snap Backer

    Hey Folks, I was diving deep within the bowels of this forum ( sounds gross when I read it back to myself) about a month ago. I came across something that now I can barely remember but would like too. It was concerning a plastic backing piece that would fit into the backside of a snap to keep it from contacting gun metal. Does anyone have any recollection of this item? Thanks, TR
  18. Tyree904


    GrampaJoel, I just got my "sellers permit" from BOE ( calif board of equalization) AKA Tax ID. It only took 30 minutes in their office in Fresno. I just down loaded the application, completed it at home and went in to the BOE office, 30 mintes later I left with my tax id number and a physical copy of my sellers permit. Piece of cake. TR
  19. Ok , so I'm lame I admit it. (When it comes to computers). Can anyone see the picture now? I also just saw that there is a better location for this post , sorry forummasters and administrators for gumming up the program. I will repost over in critique my work. Thanks TR
  20. Here is my first pancake holster, 5th overall. I need work on belt loops. Anyone with source info on punches would awesome. I hope the picture sizes right when I attach it., Any constructive criticism will be gladly received. Dwight from this forum was invaluable, Thank you! TR https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=d728166b47&view=att&th=12f0d5bdf604c760&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zw
  21. Super! It's nice to have choices! Thanks a bunch. I will probably try it Dwights method first then Kats(youknowwhat) and then who knows what I will try next. Follow up question: Has anyone seen a shoulder holster where the holster is integral to the shoulder harness peice as apposed to it being attached with straps, rivets or sewing / lacing? That is how I am proceeding but I have never seen anything like it before. Thank you for your helpful responses. TR
  22. Hi All, First post. Been lurking for a few weeks (and learning a ton) but I have a question at this point. In the construction of a pancake holster do you cut the front and back panels of leather the same size or is the front portion just a bit bigger? A snug fit is desired and no type of thumb break or retention system will be used. Any input will be gratefully received. The leather weight is 6/7 and the gun is a ruger revolver with a 4" barrel. TR
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