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Everything posted by maidenleather

  1. I'm sure it can get hotter than this but the rubber on my soles have melted...........

  2. Its The LAST FRIDAY OF 2012 - have a Happy LAST FRIDAY :)

  3. On the subject of the Thompson. I recently purchased a psw500 and need the manual to learn to thread this machine. This was an estate sale buy. Anyone have a manual or know where I can access. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  4. Happy Holidays Everyone! The world did not end so if you did not buy your xmas.. well your screwed!

  5. Got a new Table! So Excited!

    1. immiketoo


      OK, I'll bite. WHat kind of table? For cutting? Tooling? Curious minds :)

    2. maidenleather


      :) Tooling! I guess I can do all that other stuff too on it :)
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