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Everything posted by bluesman1951

  1. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  2. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  3. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  4. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  5. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  6. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  7. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  8. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  9. bluesman1951


    From the album: My Work

  10. First class !!!! Very well done !
  11. Nicely done !
  12. www.goodsjapan.com they have the best stuff and their reputaion is flawless.
  13. Hi ! Nice bag edge lacing looks good ,interesting choice of fastners . I dont do any tooling so I cant comment on that . Bag itself looks good dimension wise straps are cleanly done . Nice project !
  14. White pen called a Jelly Roller also known as a gel roller . Available at art supply stores costs 1.97 washes off with damp cloth .Nothing better in my opinion . Comes in other colors and has a fine point .
  15. I have a different approach . Learn the techniques before making something . One at a time ,learn to cut straight and square ( for card holders and wallets etc) Learn to join two pieces together by sewing or braiding lots of ways to do this seam with a bead ,french seam, learn pattern making . Then with a half a dozen techniques under your belt a project is now possible . Good luck .
  16. Texas threads you wish a BZ-415Nylon Rust bonded TR-350 there is nothing better for hand sewing in my opinion .
  17. I asked the question and waited for a response,nothing more. At that point there was 129 looks and no comments .Seems like it was being left alone. I respectfully withdraw my question . Rude ?????????????????????????????????????? I am speechless .The maker did not respond so I thought his answer to my question was no. Hence no futher input .Simple as that .
  18. Do wish the truth or atta boy nice job ?
  19. post a status and it disapperars . Wonder why ?

    1. bluesman1951


      Ridiculous ,childish ,Public forum not a church meeting

  20. Pictures say more than a whole bunch of words . This looks like a good opertunity for bag decorations . Hope this lights the imagination spark . Bill
  21. This will work ! Looks just fine . How we learn is totaly up to us . We chose our own paths . I dont think you wasted any time here . I wish you continued sucess with all your projects .
  22. Pictures would help . If you are bottoming out your chisel you have damaged the points. This makes ugly holes . Time to strop your chisel and use a little glycern before you punch the holes .
  23. I came and I looked . Thanks for sharing your work. I am neither a holster maker nor a expert in this area so all I can say is I honour the hours spent on these projects. They are pleaseing to the eye and look very well done . May all the hours spent at your bench be good ones . Thanks for being part of the leather workers brother hood you honour your craft . I enjoyed seeing your work ! Bill
  24. Very nice ! When I saw number 4 my thoughts were " Now Thats Really Nice " . Craftsmanship is superb on all the holsters everyone a work of art . Number 4 just really rang the bell for me . Excellant colour combination there . This was time well spent you should be very pleased with your efforts .
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