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Everything posted by Jock54

  1. G'day Bernie, I have just looked at the most impressive hand made Whip of any type i have ever seen, Bernie you are a Master Whip Maker and leather Plaiter. How i would like too spend a day or two with you just watching you ply your craft. Amazing! jock54 Qld, Australia.
  2. Knothead, jock54 i like your Bolo Tie, especially the modified pineapple knot, if possible, could i get the instructions from you or somewhere else, so i can learn to tie it myself please. Thank you, i appreciate your help. jock54.
  3. Hello Frostfell, jock54 here from Australia, i have the colour charts right here with me for kangaroo lace, there are 15 colours to choose from. If you wish i can give you an address and website here in Queensland where i live, for the company that processes kangaroo hides. Packer Leather is the name, 101 Boundary Road Narangba 4504, Queensland, Australia. www.packerleather.com , phone 07 32031323. Contact them, and ask for the best quality kangaroo hides or lace, which ever you prefer. Kind Regards, jock54.
  4. Hello Administrators, I sent an email to Johanna Schroer, wishing to contact her for advice on building a website for my business. Do you know if Johanna is still in the business, if so, could she contact me by email. If Johanna cannot help me, do any members at Leatherworker.net know of someone who can help me. Thank you for your assistance. Kind Regards. jock54. Name: Ray Lee ( jock54) UserName: Jock54 IP Address: Email Address: ray.lee4@bigpond.com
  5. jock54, i am really disappointed at the lack of reply by so many people on this forum, after a new message is posted. I am wanting to find anyone, anywhere, on this forum, who maybe interested in earning some money for the sale of good leather buckles. Maybe, disappointed is not the right word, surprised, does anyone have a reason why, there are many members, and yet so few replies. Would someone like to comment, please, i look forward to meeting and talking on the forum with any anyone? Have a great day/night. jock54.
  6. Hello leathercrafters, jock54, i am trying to get in contact with a member, who makes leather buckles that will fit on to plaited/braided belts i make. let me know if you are interested, and at what cost. Please PM me, with details and some of your work. jock54.
  7. Hello Kim, This is Jock54 from Austalia, i would be interested in making the Wristbands. I plait/braid leather belts and hatbands, using kangaroo leather lace. My products are made Professionally and with a customer satisfaction guarantee. The lace i use, is 3mm, or 4.7mm wide, and black is one of the colours i use. I am a member of leatherworker.net, and my business name are advertised with LW.net. My emails details are also there. If it would help, i can send you some photoes of my work to give you a better idea of how unique my plaited/braided leather products look. Please, contact me, if you have any questions regarding cost or shipping, and i will only to pleased to be of assistance. Thank you for your time.Kind Regards. Jock54.
  8. Leatherpownder, this is Jock54 from Australia, i have been looking carefully at your rawhide reins, what a magnificent piece of finished leather work. I have not seen another piece like that ever before anywhere in Australia. I make leather belts and hatbands, using kangaroo lace, when i learn to put them on the web you can check them out. Would you be interested to sell one set of those reins to me, i take it you have finished working on them. I sell my leather goods here, at local markets, Agricultural Shows, and Horse Campdrafts. I am sure they will sell pretty quickly here in my State of Queensland, where i live in the country. Thanks for showing the reins. Hope to see a reply soon. Kind Regards. Jock54.
  9. From Jock54, Hello TapTapTap,thanks for the welcome to the site, an old salty eh? I was in the RAAF for 12 years. I plait belts,hatbands, dog and cat collars, and dog leads. Been at it for about 4 years, now and i do a few markets here,shows and campdrafts. When i learn to put photoes on the web, i will show you some of my leather work. Thanks tap tap tap,thats Navy talk, i think? talk again soon

  10. Hi josh, i had a look at your saddles and they are very nice. My name is Ray, i live in Queensland, Australia. i read your profile and you also make belts. i plait/braid my belts using kangaroo leather lace,it is the best quality leather you can buy. i also plait hatbands,flat or round,and use turkshead-knots,to make them adjustable, to the size of the hat.i am a member also of LW.net.Jock54

  11. Hi Timothy, this is Jock54, from Warwick, Queensland, Australia. I have been plaiting kangaroo leather lace for the last four years. I make lots of leather plaited belts, hat bands, with turks-head knots, this allows you to adjust the band to the size of the hat, usually a cattlemans hat in Australia. I also plait dog and cat collars, and dog leads. The hat bands, I plait them flat or round. When I make a belt for a customer, to find how much leather lace is needed so that it is not short, I need to get their waist size, for example, I am 40inches, add another 6 to 10 inches, that makes 46inches, then multiply 46x3=138inches. That means each strand of lace will be 138inches long, or 11feet 6inches. I use this formula for plaiting all my belts, and it works every time. When I have time, I will put some photoes up of my leather belts and things. I f there is anything else I could help you with, just contact me, I am a member of leatherworker.net.
  12. Hello Atlantic-Pet, this is Jock54 from Australia, I make dog collars and leads, and waist belts, and hat bands, I plait/braid the lace which is made from kangaroo skins. It is leather of the highest quality and strength, and you can only get it in Australia. The leather products are professionally made, and I give a 100% guarantee on all my products. I would very much appreciate if you could email me if you know of anyone, or a retail store, that could be interested in my products. I can send a digital photo of the products via email, to let you see what I produce. You can email me at,ray.lee4@bigpond.com. Thank you for your assistance. Kind Regards. Jock54.
  13. Hello Charlie, I am a belt maker, and I plait belts using kangaroo leather lace. I have been making belts now for about four years. Other leather products I make are, hat bands plaited round and flat, with turks-head knots, so they can be adjusted for the hat size. I also make dog and cat collars, and dog leads. There are four main colours, saddle tan, whiskey, brandy, and dark brown, black and chestnut. I use only high quality kangaroo leather lace, which is the best you can buy, my leather products are professionally made, and everything I make carries a 100% guarantee. I would appreciate very much Charlie, if you know anyone, or who has a retail store may be interested in my leather products. I live in Australia, which could be a problem. Please contact me by email, at ray.lee4@bigpond.com, I am a member of leatherworker.net. Thank you for your assistance. Kind Regards. Jock54.
  14. Jock54, I want to say thank you, to the three members, who so kindly took time to send me a very nice welcome to leatherworker.net. Leatheroo, KingsX, and rdb, I really appreciate your kind words. Thanks guys.
  15. Hello all members, my name is Jock54 from Warwick, Queensland, Australia. I look forward to meeting as many members as possible. My interest in leather is plaiting, waist belts, hat-bands, dog and cat collars, dog leads, and I use kangaroo leather lace, only the best quality. I advertise with leatherworker.net also. I hope to start learning how to hand and machine stich leather soon, with a saddler, thats what we call them here in Australia. I have been plaiting for about four years, but there is so much to learn. Recently, I taught myself how to tie turks-heads knots, it took me about five hours to work them out. Thank you for having me as a new member, talk again soon. Jock54.
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