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About OrchidNoir

  • Birthday 12/08/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    DFW, TX
  • Interests
    more than I can think about trying to list

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    trying things I haven't tried to do yet.
  • Interested in learning about
    yes ;)
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    stumbled into it via google

OrchidNoir's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. Shadow, I am so sorry I didn't see this earlier, trying to move. I actually had to do the lettering on this one with a Sharpie marker that I had cut to a chisel tip for calligraphy. Awful, IMO, but the only real option I had at the moment with short time and a very sparse desk as far as tools. *blush*
  2. OrchidNoir

    Gotta REstart somewhere

    Photos of my pieces as I get back into tooling leather after near 2 decades out of it.
  3. 1st: Love it 2nd: I second wanting to see it on and with the rest of the costume 3rd: My StarWars junkie side is envious of the doll (they were sold out around me every time I went looking for one)
  4. Thank you! I am an observer type learner and this is just what I need; a no frills, no bs, well presented, and easy to see how-to.
  5. I think I might hate it before too long... as my husband is going to want me to either make it for him (eep) or to guide him through making it himself (uh-oh) It is beautiful, really, I just dread the coming series of unfortunate events. lol
  6. Happy Halloween all! Trick or Treat here we come.

  7. Niiice! I'm in the middle of doing a wad of headwear (circlets, coronets, and crowns), and I really, really like this one. Very pretty.
  8. The Createx airbrush acrylics should not behave that way (OP), I agree with the old/bad/expired totally. As to the consistency, this line doesn't start in the toothpaste range, but rather already in the milk-ish range. I use them especially for their metallic/pear/iridescent lines, those are just dreamy to use as long as they are kept well mixed, and no, I don't currently own an airbrush. ;-) I will also totally second the Golden line, can't say anything on the Angelus because I haven't tried them personally, but I can say that I also like Liquitex for acrylics.
  9. Can't blame a girl for tryin' though, can ya? lol
  10. I'd be more than happy to unburden you of the purple leather, you know... just to help out. *insert drooling emoticon here* Hats! Winter weather is moving in and leather hats are wonderful. Top hats, military type hats, renaissance style or inspired hats, whatever... Not saying use it all for hats, but I'd definitely consider tossing some in the to-do pile if I had a surplus of leather I wanted to make some easily marketable items from.
  11. PyroLace and RexLace are compatible, are they not? I swear I remember mixing those two in the same projects when I was the art&craft instructor at a summer camp, but that's been a "few" years. Either way, I get the RexLace every once in a while to play with my kiddo with it and it's still out there all over the place for sale. (I think even Tandy's carries it)
  12. Me and mine plan on making it up and over there. Figure it's just a couple of hours away and should be able to help me get back into this rabbit hole even further. (don't look for purple, the hair is currently just brown. lol)
  13. You were already here, oops. *blush*

  14. Hi gparrish I'm not north of Dallas yet (more a little north of FW right now), but we plan on moving back up to the Denton are next spring/summer. I know, fat lot o' good that does this year. lol Stick around and dig around, this place is so full of info that when I think I have a question to post I have yet to not find an answer. It is awesome and so are the forumites.
  15. You are such an inspiration. Period. I love going to look at your galleries, especially when I need that extra kick of motivation to get over to the bench and just work on something, anything, to keep progressing. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with the world, it needs all the beauty and wonder it can get.
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