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Everything posted by iowabullfighter

  1. Hey everyone I can't find the stamp set i've been looking through the search and can't seem to find it. It was handmade stamps by a guy who wasn't all that well known, not king, beard etc. They were a reasonable price for the set and if I recall it was in a pdf doc or something like that. Any help is appreciated! Thank you Godbles
  2. Hey everyone I can't find the stamp set i've been looking through the search and can't seem to find it. It was handmade stamps by a guy who wasn't all that well known, not king, beard etc. They were a reasonable price for the set and if I recall it was in a pdf doc or something like that. Any help is appreciated! Thank you Godbles
  3. Looking for some sherdian/floral dove wing spur strap patterns. Anything is appreciated! Thank you
  4. So it's pretty much just cause its a water based dye on the bottom? So with the Fiebings oil dye I shouldn't have that problem?
  5. Hey yall I usually dye with some old eco flo midnight black from tandy and use nail polish/sharpies/paint pens for coloring, When I go to seal the project with neat lac it's a 50/50 shot that it will pull the black over into my color and bring my color into my black etc. How can I fix this? I just ordered some fiebings black to see if that will do the trick but it still attacks my colors as well. What do you use for colors? Thank you
  6. springfield leather also sells metallic
  7. Looking for some idea's of what I could make with some 7/8 oz veg tan.
  8. Where do you get your veg tan at for tooling? I'm just looking to get a double shoulder but not get screwed over on the price. Thank you Godbless
  9. Thats a good idea! Im racking my brain trying to figure out how the toe and side pieces will stay put aswell as what to use for the sole. heavy veg tan?
  10. You think the same type of pattern would work for flip flops?
  11. Hello, Im looking to make a pair of Flip Flops out of veg tan looking to see if anyone knows of a pattern for it or not? Thank you Godbless
  12. Does anyone know how much Barry's Sheridan tool set cost?
  13. Hey guys, Im looking for a metallic leather supplier that will cut into belt strips instead of having to buy a side or larger. Thank you ~Jeff Lucas
  14. For what I need color on I use Sharpies or finger nail polish, works great!
  15. Michael, Whatd the videos run you straight from Chan? Thank you sir. Godbless ~Jeff
  16. iowabullfighter


    Hey everyone just seeing if anybody has a maul they'd wanna get rid of? Doesn't need to be fancy just get the job done. Thank you! Godbless ~Jeff
  17. Howdy I was wondering if I could get some help on making a pair of armitas from you? I seen one of your posts and you had posted some very nice armitas in kind of the style i was thinking of. This will be my first time so im clueless about alot of it! Thank you Godbless

  18. I am looking for a pattern for armitas

  19. Hey everyone I was just wondering if anybody could help me on finding a good pattern for armitas? I will be buckstiching everything and would like atleast 10 inch finge. I will probably be useing a 24 sq ft 5 oz cow hide. Is that big enough for a starter pair, cause I know Im going to mess up. Thank you for all the help! Godbless ~Jeff
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