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Everything posted by gorec

  1. This seals for harsh Russian baykerov.tolschina skin 4mm
  2. Made another jack. has one compartment for bills, three card slots and pocket.
  3. Thank you Silvia! I m bed speak english.sorry/
  4. Извините,но я не говорю по английски.Толщина кожи 1,5мм. Склеена в два слоя,получилось 3мм.
  5. Всем привет! Еще один чехол для сигарет
  6. TWINOAKS I thank you for that that you have responded to mine проблемму. Yes GOD stores you!
  7. Greetings TWINOAKS! I thank for the help! I think this that that I search
  8. Excuse for transfer. I did not mean the piracy version. It can is in free libraries? The book motorcycle accessory pattern pak is necessary to me.
  9. All greetings! Help me please, this book motorcykle acessory patern pack is very necessary to me but I немогу to buy it. I will be very grateful for the help where it can be downloaded бесплатно.или ктото can to send me it in electronic form. Please
  11. I congratulate all укринцев on an Independence Day! I wish all health and good luck! GLORY to Ukraine!
  12. All Greetings! Here has made a cover for a pack of cigarettes of a skin 3мм. Prompt that is made not so. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for a praise, are very pleasant to hear responses about the work. Thought my works the most awful. Has still made a cover for a pack of cigarettes.
  14. All greetings! Prompt please as to me to be? Уменя there is a skin cow, a thickness 1,5мм. But it very soft. How to me it to make more rigidly? I want to sew from it a purse.
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