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Everything posted by SeventhSon

  1. What pans are you guys using for solo seats? I dont have the means to make my own so I have to buy em. I like the west eagle narrow style but they are out of businrss according to their website and no one seems to have them in stock, or wont ship to canada!!! So Im looking for suggestions on a similar shape pan that might be a little more easily accessible.
  2. What dye did you use? and whats your process? I really like the color, and the darker edge.
  3. Hey guys i know this has probably been discussed before but i cant seem to find exactly the info im after. Ive done lots of research on wet froming but am wondering what you guys do for formng the top piece on a solo seat to shape around the seat foam? i would imagine the foam is too soft to form around so do you use a piece of shaped wood? or do you form it by hand? is there any special tools i should have for wet forming??
  4. What are you using for dyes to get that color?
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